BigW Consortium Gitlab

  1. 24 Aug, 2018 1 commit
  2. 22 Aug, 2018 1 commit
    • Remove kernel mod dependency bug workaround · 1166d736
      David Frey authored
      Prior to Legato 18.07.0, there was bug (LE-10550) in Legato which caused
      the supervisor to get stuck in an infinite loop if two different mdefs
      included in a system depended on the same mdef.  As a workaround the
      dependency of bmp280.mdef on iio-kfifo-buf.mdef was commented out.  Now
      that this bug is resolved, the dependency can be restored.
  3. 17 Aug, 2018 1 commit
  4. 14 Aug, 2018 1 commit
    • Remove spisvc from mangOH.sdef · 36e8895a
      David Frey authored
      Remove spisvc from the mangOH SDEF since the default.sdef from Legato
      18.07.0 includes spisvc and mangOH.sdef includes default.sdef indirectly
      via wifi.sdef.
  5. 08 Aug, 2018 1 commit
  6. 07 Aug, 2018 2 commits
  7. 25 Jul, 2018 1 commit
    • Add WP chipset variables to targets .sinc files · f0b35927
      David Frey authored
      Specifically, MANGOH_WP_CHIPSET_9X15 and MANGOH_WP_CHIPSET_9X07
      variables have been defined.  This allows for decision making in .cdef
      and .adef files based upon which module is being targeted.  This is
      useful when requiring libraries and the versions of the libraries differ
      between chipsets.
  8. 27 Jun, 2018 2 commits
    • Clean up formatting of can_iot module · f58376a7
      David Frey authored
    • Support CAN IoT card · 4a9ce3c3
      Zahid Chowdhury authored
      Rather than requiring a yocto re-build to support the CAN IoT card, the
      relevant kernel module code has been taken out of tree.  For 9x15 based
      modules (wp75, wp85) use the modules in the can_9x15 directory.  For
      9x07 based modules (wp76, wp77), use the modules in the can_9x07
      directory.  The can_common/can_iot module instantiates an mcp251x device
      with the appropriate platform data for using the CAN IoT card in a
      mangOH Red.
  9. 22 Jun, 2018 5 commits
  10. 13 Jun, 2018 3 commits
  11. 12 Jun, 2018 1 commit
  12. 11 Jun, 2018 8 commits
  13. 06 Jun, 2018 1 commit
  14. 04 Jun, 2018 1 commit
  15. 01 Jun, 2018 2 commits
  16. 31 May, 2018 1 commit
  17. 22 May, 2018 1 commit
    • Introduced CONFIG_IIO_CHAN_TYPE_GASRESISTANCE · 3b577365
      David Frey authored
      Previous commit 354e27dd introduced a dependency upon IIO_GASRESISTANCE
      being defined as a member of enum iio_chan_type.  The enum is part of
      the kernel headers and not part of the out-of-tree IIO code in the
      mangOH repository.  The code now checks that
      CONFIG_IIO_CHAN_TYPE_GASRESISTANCE is defined before trying to reference
  18. 17 May, 2018 1 commit
  19. 15 May, 2018 4 commits
  20. 14 May, 2018 1 commit
    • Simplify Makefile · bcfd3e78
      David Frey authored
      The mangOH build is failing in the developer VM based on Ubuntu 18.04
      because the wrong toolchain is being selected for the red_wp85 build.  I
      think the root cause may have to do with the .phony target that sets up
      the Make variables not being run multiple times.  Rather than spending a
      lot of time on this, I have just simplified the Makefile so that the
      problem goes away.
  21. 12 May, 2018 1 commit