BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 22cb5ae5 by David Frey

Update twitter hashtag in tutorial app

parent dcc95a54
......@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ COMPONENT_INIT
LE_ASSERT_OK(le_utf8_EncodeUnicodeCodePoint(UnicodeTiredFace, emoji, &emojiLength));
std::ostringstream tweetStream;
tweetStream << emoji << " I'm just waking up at #SierraWirelessDevDay";
tweetStream << emoji << " I'm just waking up at Sierra Wireless Developer Day 2016. #SierraDD2016";
auto tweet = std::make_shared<std::string>(tweetStream.str());
if (wakeupAndTweet_ConnectAndRun([tweet]{
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