1.`ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-poky-linux-gnueabi- make scripts`
1.`sudo chown -R root .`
1. Get the Legato source code as described by the [Legato README](https://github.com/legatoproject/legato-af/blob/master/README.md)
1. Clone the mangOH source code by running `git clone --recursive git://github.com/mangOH/mangOH`
1.`cd` into the Legato working folder and run the following command to build a system for the mangOH Red: `make wp85 SDEF_TO_USE=$MANGOH_ROOT/mangOH_Red.sdef MKSYS_FLAGS="-s $MANGOH_ROOT/apps/GpioExpander/gpioExpanderService -s $MANGOH_ROOT/apps/RedSensorToCloud"`
1. Run `./bin/legs` to put the Legato tools into `$PATH`
1. Run `source ./bin/configlegatoenv` to put the Legato tools into `$PATH`
1. Run `instlegato wp85` to install the system onto the mangOH connected via a USB cable to the CF3 USB port.