BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit e468f0d5 by Gabor Kiss-Vamosi

fumbling with git...

parents c0715b4c 445b5ad2
* @file lv_roller.c
#include "lv_conf.h"
#if USE_LV_ROLLER != 0
#include "lv_roller.h"
#include "../lv_draw/lv_draw.h"
static bool lv_roller_design(lv_obj_t * roller, const area_t * mask, lv_design_mode_t mode);
static bool roller_scrl_signal(lv_obj_t * roller_scrl, lv_signal_t sign, void * param);
static lv_signal_f_t ancestor_scr_signal_f;
* Create function
* Create a roller object
* @param par pointer to an object, it will be the parent of the new roller
* @param copy pointer to a roller object, if not NULL then the new object will be copied from it
* @return pointer to the created roller
lv_obj_t * lv_roller_create(lv_obj_t * par, lv_obj_t * copy)
/*Create the ancestor of roller*/
lv_obj_t * new_roller = lv_ddlist_create(par, copy);
/*Allocate the roller type specific extended data*/
lv_roller_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_alloc_ext(new_roller, sizeof(lv_roller_ext_t));
/*Initialize the allocated 'ext' */
/*The signal and design functions are not copied so set them here*/
lv_obj_set_signal_f(new_roller, lv_roller_signal);
lv_obj_set_design_f(new_roller, lv_roller_design);
if(ancestor_scr_signal_f == NULL) ancestor_scr_signal_f = lv_obj_get_signal_f(lv_page_get_scrl(new_roller));
/*Init the new roller roller*/
if(copy == NULL) {
lv_obj_t * scrl = lv_page_get_scrl(new_roller);
lv_obj_set_drag(scrl, true); /*In ddlist is might be disabled*/
lv_page_set_rel_action(new_roller, NULL); /*Handle roller specific actions*/
lv_cont_set_fit(lv_page_get_scrl(new_roller), true, false); /*Height is specified directly*/
lv_obj_set_signal_f(scrl, roller_scrl_signal);
lv_ddlist_open(new_roller, true, 0);
lv_style_t * style_label = lv_obj_get_style(ext->ddlist.opt_label);
lv_ddlist_set_fix_height(new_roller, (font_get_height(style_label->font) >> FONT_ANTIALIAS) * 3
+ style_label->line_space * 4);
lv_obj_refr_style(new_roller); /*To set scrollable size automatically*/
/*Copy an existing roller*/
else {
lv_roller_ext_t * copy_ext = lv_obj_get_ext(copy);
/*Refresh the style with new signal function*/
return new_roller;
* Signal function of the roller
* @param roller pointer to a roller object
* @param sign a signal type from lv_signal_t enum
* @param param pointer to a signal specific variable
* @return true: the object is still valid (not deleted), false: the object become invalid
bool lv_roller_signal(lv_obj_t * roller, lv_signal_t sign, void * param)
bool valid;
/* Include the ancient signal function */
valid = lv_ddlist_signal(roller, sign, param);
/* The object can be deleted so check its validity and then
* make the object specific signal handling */
if(valid != false) {
lv_roller_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext(roller);
if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_STYLE_CHG) {
lv_obj_get_height(ext->ddlist.opt_label) + lv_obj_get_height(roller));
lv_obj_align(ext->ddlist.opt_label, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0);
lv_ddlist_set_selected(roller, ext->ddlist.sel_opt);
} else if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_CORD_CHG) {
lv_ddlist_set_fix_height(roller, lv_obj_get_height(roller));
lv_obj_get_height(ext->ddlist.opt_label) + lv_obj_get_height(roller));
lv_obj_align(ext->ddlist.opt_label, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0);
lv_ddlist_set_selected(roller, ext->ddlist.sel_opt);
return valid;
* Add/remove functions
* New object specific "add" or "remove" functions come here
* Setter functions
* New object specific "set" functions come here
* Getter functions
* New object specific "get" functions come here
* Other functions
* New object specific "other" functions come here
* Handle the drawing related tasks of the rollers
* @param roller pointer to an object
* @param mask the object will be drawn only in this area
* @param mode LV_DESIGN_COVER_CHK: only check if the object fully covers the 'mask_p' area
* (return 'true' if yes)
* LV_DESIGN_DRAW: draw the object (always return 'true')
* LV_DESIGN_DRAW_POST: drawing after every children are drawn
* @param return true/false, depends on 'mode'
static bool lv_roller_design(lv_obj_t * roller, const area_t * mask, lv_design_mode_t mode)
/*Return false if the object is not covers the mask_p area*/
if(mode == LV_DESIGN_COVER_CHK) {
return false;
/*Draw the object*/
else if(mode == LV_DESIGN_DRAW_MAIN) {
lv_style_t * style = lv_obj_get_style(roller);
lv_draw_rect(&roller->cords, mask, style);
const font_t * font = style->font;
lv_roller_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext(roller);
cord_t font_h = font_get_height(font) >> FONT_ANTIALIAS;
area_t rect_area;
rect_area.y1 = roller->cords.y1 + lv_obj_get_height(roller) / 2 - font_h / 2 - style->line_space - 2;
rect_area.y2 = rect_area.y1 + font_h + style->line_space;
rect_area.x1 = ext->ddlist.opt_label->cords.x1 - style->hpad;
rect_area.x2 = rect_area.x1 + lv_obj_get_width(lv_page_get_scrl(roller));
lv_draw_rect(&rect_area, mask, ext->ddlist.style_sel);
/*Post draw when the children are drawn*/
else if(mode == LV_DESIGN_DRAW_POST) {
return true;
* Signal function of the scrollable part of the roller.
* @param roller_scrl ointer to the scrollable part of roller (page)
* @param sign a signal type from lv_signal_t enum
* @param param pointer to a signal specific variable
* @return true: the object is still valid (not deleted), false: the object become invalid
static bool roller_scrl_signal(lv_obj_t * roller_scrl, lv_signal_t sign, void * param)
bool valid;
/* Include the ancient signal function */
valid = ancestor_scr_signal_f(roller_scrl, sign, param);
/* The object can be deleted so check its validity and then
* make the object specific signal handling */
if(valid != false) {
if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_RELEASED) {
int32_t id;
lv_obj_t * roller = lv_obj_get_parent(roller_scrl);
lv_roller_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext(roller);
lv_style_t * style_label = lv_obj_get_style(ext->ddlist.opt_label);
const font_t * font = style_label->font;
cord_t font_h = font_get_height(font) >> FONT_ANTIALIAS;
/*If dragged then align the list to there be an element in the middle*/
if(lv_dispi_is_dragging(param)) {
cord_t label_y1 = ext->ddlist.opt_label->cords.y1 - roller->cords.y1;
cord_t label_unit = (font_get_height(style_label->font) >> FONT_ANTIALIAS) + style_label->line_space / 2;
cord_t mid = (roller->cords.y2 - roller->cords.y1) / 2;
id = (mid - label_y1) / label_unit;
/*If pick an option by clicking then set it*/
else {
point_t p;
lv_dispi_get_point(param, &p);
p.y = p.y - ext->ddlist.opt_label->cords.y1;
id = p.y / (font_h + style_label->line_space);
if(id < 0) id = 0;
if(id >= ext->ddlist.num_opt) id = ext->ddlist.num_opt - 1;
ext->ddlist.sel_opt = id;
/*Position the scrollable according to the new selected option*/
cord_t h = lv_obj_get_height(roller);
cord_t line_y1 = id * (font_h + style_label->line_space) + ext->ddlist.opt_label->cords.y1 - roller_scrl->cords.y1;
cord_t new_y = - line_y1 + (h - font_h) / 2;
if(ext->ddlist.anim_time == 0) {
lv_obj_set_y(roller_scrl, new_y);
} else {
anim_t a;
a.var = roller_scrl;
a.start = lv_obj_get_y(roller_scrl);
a.end = new_y;
a.fp = (anim_fp_t)lv_obj_set_y;
a.path = anim_get_path(ANIM_PATH_LIN);
a.end_cb = NULL;
a.act_time = 0;
a.time = ext->ddlist.anim_time;
a.playback = 0;
a.playback_pause = 0;
a.repeat = 0;
a.repeat_pause = 0;
return valid;
* @file lv_roller.h
#ifndef LV_ROLLER_H
#define LV_ROLLER_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include "lv_conf.h"
#if USE_LV_ROLLER != 0
#include "../lv_obj/lv_obj.h"
#include "lv_ddlist.h"
/*Data of roller*/
typedef struct {
lv_ddlist_ext_t ddlist; /*Ext. of ancestor*/
/*New data for this type */
* Create a roller objects
* @param par pointer to an object, it will be the parent of the new roller
* @param copy pointer to a roller object, if not NULL then the new object will be copied from it
* @return pointer to the created roller
lv_obj_t * lv_roller_create(lv_obj_t * par, lv_obj_t * copy);
* Signal function of the roller
* @param roller pointer to a roller object
* @param sign a signal type from lv_signal_t enum
* @param param pointer to a signal specific variable
* @return true: the object is still valid (not deleted), false: the object become invalid
bool lv_roller_signal(lv_obj_t * roller, lv_signal_t sign, void * param);
#endif /*USE_LV_ROLLER*/
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */
#endif /*LV_ROLLER_H*/
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ lv_obj_t * lv_ta_create(lv_obj_t * par, lv_obj_t * copy)
lv_obj_set_design_f(ext->page.scrl, lv_ta_scrling_design);
lv_label_set_long_mode(ext->label, LV_LABEL_LONG_BREAK);
lv_label_set_text(ext->label, "Text area");
lv_label_set_text(ext->label, "Text.area");
lv_page_glue_obj(ext->label, true);
lv_obj_set_click(ext->label, false);
lv_obj_set_style(new_ta, lv_style_get(LV_STYLE_PRETTY, NULL));
......@@ -243,36 +243,39 @@ bool lv_ta_scrl_signal(lv_obj_t * scrl, lv_signal_t sign, void * param)
* Insert a character to the current cursor position
* @param ta pointer to a text area object
* @param c a character
* @param c a character (could but UTF-8 code as well: 'Á' or txt_unicode_to_utf8(0x047C)
void lv_ta_add_char(lv_obj_t * ta, uint32_t c)
lv_ta_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext(ta);
const char * label_txt = lv_label_get_text(ext->label);
/*Test the new length: txt length + 1 (closing'\0') + 1 (c character)*/
if((strlen(label_txt) + 2) > LV_TA_MAX_LENGTH) return;
if(ext->pwd_mode != 0) pwd_char_hider(ta); /*Make sure all the current text contains only '*'*/
#if TXT_UTF8 == 0
char letter_buf[2];
letter_buf[0] = c;
letter_buf[1] = '\0';
/*Swap because of UTF-8 is "big-endian-like" */
if(((c >> 8) & 0b11100000) == 0b11000000) {
c = (c & 0xFF) << 8 | ((c >> 8) & 0xFF);
if(((c >> 16) & 0b11110000) == 0b11100000) {
c = (c & 0xFF) << 16 | ((c >> 16) & 0xFF);
if(((c >> 24) & 0b11111000) == 0b11110000) {
c = ((c & 0xFF) << 24) | (((c >> 8) & 0xFF) >> 16) | (((c >> 16) & 0xFF) >> 8) | ((c >> 24) & 0xFF);
char buf[LV_TA_MAX_LENGTH];
/*Insert the character*/
memcpy(buf, label_txt, ext->cursor_pos);
buf[ext->cursor_pos] = c;
memcpy(buf+ext->cursor_pos+1, label_txt+ext->cursor_pos, strlen(label_txt) - ext->cursor_pos + 1);
char letter_buf[8] = {0};
memcpy(letter_buf, &c, txt_utf8_size(c));
lv_label_ins_text(ext->label, ext->cursor_pos, letter_buf); /*Insert the character*/
/*Refresh the label*/
lv_label_set_text(ext->label, buf);
if(ext->pwd_mode != 0) {
if(ext->pwd_mode != 0) {
ext->pwd_tmp = dm_realloc(ext->pwd_tmp, strlen(ext->pwd_tmp) + 2); /*+2: the new char + \0 */
memcpy(buf, ext->pwd_tmp, ext->cursor_pos);
buf[ext->cursor_pos] = c;
memcpy(buf + ext->cursor_pos + 1, ext->pwd_tmp + ext->cursor_pos, strlen(ext->pwd_tmp) - ext->cursor_pos + 1);
strcpy(ext->pwd_tmp, buf);
ext->pwd_tmp = dm_realloc(ext->pwd_tmp, strlen(ext->pwd_tmp) + 2); /*+2: the new char + \0 */
txt_ins(ext->pwd_tmp, ext->cursor_pos, letter_buf);
anim_t a;
a.var = ta;
......@@ -310,28 +313,15 @@ void lv_ta_add_text(lv_obj_t * ta, const char * txt)
uint16_t label_len = strlen(label_txt);
uint16_t txt_len = strlen(txt);
/*Test the new length (+ 1 for the closing '\0')*/
if((label_len + txt_len + 1) > LV_TA_MAX_LENGTH) return;
if(ext->pwd_mode != 0) pwd_char_hider(ta); /*Make sure all the current text contains only '*'*/
/*Insert the text*/
char buf[LV_TA_MAX_LENGTH];
memcpy(buf, label_txt, ext->cursor_pos);
memcpy(buf + ext->cursor_pos, txt, txt_len);
memcpy(buf + ext->cursor_pos + txt_len, label_txt+ext->cursor_pos, label_len - ext->cursor_pos + 1);
/*Refresh the label*/
lv_label_set_text(ext->label, buf);
lv_label_ins_text(ext->label, ext->cursor_pos, txt);
if(ext->pwd_mode != 0) {
ext->pwd_tmp = dm_realloc(ext->pwd_tmp, strlen(ext->pwd_tmp) + txt_len + 1);
memcpy(buf, ext->pwd_tmp, ext->cursor_pos);
memcpy(buf + ext->cursor_pos, txt, txt_len);
memcpy(buf + ext->cursor_pos + txt_len, ext->pwd_tmp+ext->cursor_pos, label_len - ext->cursor_pos + 1);
strcpy(ext->pwd_tmp, buf);
txt_ins(ext->pwd_tmp, ext->cursor_pos, txt);
anim_t a;
a.var = ta;
......@@ -408,15 +398,17 @@ void lv_ta_del(lv_obj_t * ta)
if(cur_pos == 0) return;
char * label_txt = lv_label_get_text(ext->label);
/*Delete a character*/
char buf[LV_TA_MAX_LENGTH];
const char * label_txt = lv_label_get_text(ext->label);
uint16_t label_len = strlen(label_txt);
memcpy(buf, label_txt, cur_pos - 1);
memcpy(buf+cur_pos - 1, label_txt + cur_pos, label_len - cur_pos + 1);
#if TXT_UTF8 == 0
txt_cut(label_txt, ext->cursor_pos - 1, 1);
uint32_t byte_pos = txt_utf8_get_id(label_txt, ext->cursor_pos - 1);
txt_cut(label_txt, ext->cursor_pos - 1, txt_utf8_size(label_txt[byte_pos]));
/*Refresh the label*/
lv_label_set_text(ext->label, buf);
lv_label_set_text(ext->label, label_txt);
/*Don't let 'width == 0' because cursor will not be visible*/
if(lv_obj_get_width(ext->label) == 0) {
lv_style_t * style = lv_obj_get_style(ext->label);
......@@ -424,13 +416,18 @@ void lv_ta_del(lv_obj_t * ta)
if(ext->pwd_mode != 0) {
ext->pwd_tmp = dm_realloc(ext->pwd_tmp, strlen(buf));
#if TXT_UTF8 == 0
txt_cut(ext->pwd_tmp, ext->cursor_pos - 1, 1);
uint32_t byte_pos = txt_utf8_get_id(ext->pwd_tmp, ext->cursor_pos - 1);
txt_cut(ext->pwd_tmp, ext->cursor_pos - 1, txt_utf8_size(label_txt[byte_pos]));
ext->pwd_tmp = dm_realloc(ext->pwd_tmp, strlen(ext->pwd_tmp) + 1);
strcpy(ext->pwd_tmp, buf);
/*Move the cursor to the place of the deleted character*/
lv_ta_set_cursor_pos(ta, lv_ta_get_cursor_pos(ta) - 1);
lv_ta_set_cursor_pos(ta, ext->cursor_pos - 1);
/*It is a valid x step so save it*/
......@@ -449,11 +446,11 @@ void lv_ta_set_cursor_pos(lv_obj_t * ta, int16_t pos)
lv_ta_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext(ta);
lv_obj_t * scrl = lv_page_get_scrl(ta);
lv_style_t * style_scrl = lv_obj_get_style(scrl);
uint16_t txt_len = strlen(lv_label_get_text(ext->label));
uint16_t len = txt_len(lv_label_get_text(ext->label));
if(pos < 0) pos = txt_len + pos;
if(pos < 0) pos = len + pos;
if(pos > txt_len || pos == LV_TA_CUR_LAST) pos = txt_len;
if(pos > len || pos == LV_TA_CUR_LAST) pos = len;
ext->cursor_pos = pos;
......@@ -490,6 +487,7 @@ void lv_ta_set_cursor_pos(lv_obj_t * ta, int16_t pos)
font_h + 2 * style_scrl->hpad));
/*Reset cursor blink animation*/
anim_t a;
a.var = ta;
a.fp = (anim_fp_t)cursor_blink_anim;
......@@ -640,14 +638,15 @@ void lv_ta_set_pwd_mode(lv_obj_t * ta, bool en)
/*Pwd mode is now enabled*/
if(ext->pwd_mode == 0 && en != false) {
char * txt = lv_label_get_text(ext->label);
uint16_t txt_len = strlen(txt);
ext->pwd_tmp = dm_alloc(txt_len + 1);
uint16_t len = strlen(txt);
ext->pwd_tmp = dm_alloc(len + 1);
strcpy(ext->pwd_tmp, txt);
uint16_t i;
for(i = 0; i < txt_len; i++) {
for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
txt[i] = '*'; /*All char to '*'*/
txt[i] = '\0';
lv_label_set_text(ext->label, NULL);
......@@ -917,9 +916,15 @@ static bool lv_ta_scrling_design(lv_obj_t * scrl, const area_t * mask, lv_design
lv_draw_rect(&cur_area, mask, &cur_style);
/*Get the current letter*/
#if TXT_UTF8 == 0
char letter_buf[2];
letter_buf[0] = txt[cur_pos];
letter_buf[1] = '\0';
letter_buf[0] = txt[byte_pos];
letter_buf[1] = '\0';
char letter_buf[8] = {0};
memcpy(letter_buf, &txt[byte_pos], txt_utf8_size(txt[byte_pos]));
lv_draw_label(&cur_area, mask, &cur_style, letter_buf, TXT_FLAG_NONE, 0);
} else if(ta_ext->cursor_type == LV_TA_CURSOR_OUTLINE) {
......@@ -982,17 +987,14 @@ static void pwd_char_hider(lv_obj_t * ta)
lv_ta_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext(ta);
if(ext->pwd_mode != 0) {
char * txt = lv_label_get_text(ext->label);
int16_t txt_len = strlen(txt);
int16_t len = txt_len(txt);
bool refr = false;
uint16_t i;
for(i = 0; i < txt_len; i++) {
if(txt[i] != '*') {
txt[i] = '*';
refr = true;
for(i = 0; i < len; i++) txt[i] = '*';
txt[i] = '\0';
if(refr != false) lv_label_set_text(ext->label, NULL);
if(refr != false) lv_label_set_text(ext->label, txt);
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