BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit a2173ea4 by Gabor

lv_ddlist: imporvement and bugfixes

parent ca9b423f
......@@ -69,7 +69,8 @@ lv_obj_t * lv_ddlist_create(lv_obj_t * par, lv_obj_t * copy)
ext->opt_label = NULL;
ext->cb = NULL;
ext->opened = 0;
ext->act_opt = 0;
ext->auto_size = 0;
ext->sel_opt = 0;
/*The signal and design functions are not copied so set them here*/
if(ancestor_design_f == NULL) ancestor_design_f = lv_obj_get_design_f(new_ddlist);
......@@ -79,6 +80,8 @@ lv_obj_t * lv_ddlist_create(lv_obj_t * par, lv_obj_t * copy)
/*Init the new drop down list drop down list*/
if(copy == NULL) {
lv_obj_set_drag(lv_page_get_scrl(new_ddlist), false);
ext->opt_label = lv_label_create(new_ddlist, NULL);
lv_rect_set_fit(new_ddlist, true, false);
lv_page_set_rel_action(new_ddlist, lv_ddlist_rel_action);
......@@ -90,6 +93,10 @@ lv_obj_t * lv_ddlist_create(lv_obj_t * par, lv_obj_t * copy)
lv_ddlist_ext_t * copy_ext = lv_obj_get_ext(copy);
ext->opt_label = lv_label_create(new_ddlist, copy_ext->opt_label);
lv_label_set_text(ext->opt_label, lv_label_get_text(copy_ext->opt_label));
ext->sel_opt = copy_ext->sel_opt;
ext->auto_size = copy_ext->auto_size;
ext->cb = copy_ext->cb;
/*Refresh the style with new signal function*/
......@@ -160,8 +167,25 @@ void lv_ddlist_set_options(lv_obj_t * ddlist, const char ** options)
* Set the selected option
* @param ddlist pointer to drop down list object
* @param sel_opt id of the selected option (0 ... number of option - 1);
void lv_ddlist_set_selected(lv_obj_t * ddlist, uint16_t sel_opt)
lv_ddlist_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext(ddlist);
ext->sel_opt = sel_opt;
/*Move the list to show the current option*/
if(ext->opened == 0) {
* Set a function to call when a new option is chosen
* @param ddlist pointer to drop down list
* @param ddlist pointer to a drop down list
* @param cb pointer to a call back function. Its prototype is:
* parameter 1: pointer to the drop down list
* parameter 2: id of the chosen item (0 ... number of options - 1)
......@@ -173,6 +197,18 @@ void lv_ddlist_set_action(lv_obj_t * ddlist, lv_action_res_t (*cb)(lv_obj_t *, u
ext->cb = cb;
* Set the auto size attribute. If enabled the height will reduced to be visible on the parent.
* In this case the drop down list can be scrolled.
* @param ddlist pointer to a drop down list
* @param auto_size true: enable auto size, false: disable
void lv_ddlist_set_auto_size(lv_obj_t * ddlist, bool auto_size)
lv_ddlist_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext(ddlist);
ext->auto_size = auto_size == false ? 0 : 1;
* Getter functions
......@@ -189,6 +225,29 @@ const char * lv_ddlist_get_options(lv_obj_t * ddlist)
* Get the selected option
* @param ddlist pointer to drop down list object
* @return id of the selected option (0 ... number of option - 1);
uint16_t lv_ddlist_get_selected(lv_obj_t * ddlist)
lv_ddlist_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext(ddlist);
return ext->sel_opt;
* Get the auto size attribute.
* @param ddlist pointer to a drop down list
* @return true: the auto_size is enabled, false: disabled
bool lv_ddlist_get_auto_size(lv_obj_t * ddlist, bool auto_size)
lv_ddlist_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext(ddlist);
return ext->auto_size == 0 ? false : true;
* Return with a pointer to a built-in style and/or copy it to a variable
* @param style a style name from lv_ddlists_builtin_t enum
* @param copy copy the style to this variable. (NULL if unused)
......@@ -254,7 +313,7 @@ static bool lv_ddlist_design(lv_obj_t * ddlist, const area_t * mask, lv_design_m
const font_t * font = font_get(style->list_labels.font);
area_t rect_area;
rect_area.y1 = ext->opt_label->cords.y1;
rect_area.y1 += ext->act_opt * (font_get_height(font) + style->list_labels.line_space);
rect_area.y1 += ext->sel_opt * (font_get_height(font) + style->list_labels.line_space);
rect_area.y1 -= style->sel_rects.vpad;
rect_area.y2 = rect_area.y1 + font_get_height(font) + 2 * style->sel_rects.vpad;
......@@ -288,6 +347,8 @@ static lv_action_res_t lv_ddlist_rel_action(lv_obj_t * ddlist, lv_dispi_t * disp
lv_obj_set_drag(lv_page_get_scrl(ddlist), true);
} else {
ext->opened = 0;
lv_obj_set_drag(lv_page_get_scrl(ddlist), false);
/*Search the clicked option*/
point_t p;
lv_dispi_get_point(dispi, &p);
......@@ -303,10 +364,10 @@ static lv_action_res_t lv_ddlist_rel_action(lv_obj_t * ddlist, lv_dispi_t * disp
if(txt[i] == '\n') new_opt ++;
ext->act_opt = new_opt;
ext->sel_opt = new_opt;
if(ext->cb != NULL) {
ext->cb(ddlist, ext->act_opt);
ext->cb(ddlist, ext->sel_opt);
......@@ -332,8 +393,10 @@ static void lv_ddlist_refr_size(lv_obj_t * ddlist, bool anim_en)
if(ext->opened != 0) { /*Open the list*/
new_height = lv_obj_get_height(lv_page_get_scrl(ddlist)) + 2 * style->pages.bg_rects.vpad;
lv_obj_t * parent = lv_obj_get_parent(ddlist);
if(new_height + ddlist->cords.y1 > parent->cords.y2) {
/*Reduce the height is enabler and required*/
if(ext->auto_size != 0 && new_height + ddlist->cords.y1 > parent->cords.y2) {
new_height = parent->cords.y2 - ddlist->cords.y1;
} else { /*Close the list*/
const font_t * font = font_get(style->list_labels.font);
......@@ -372,7 +435,7 @@ static void lv_ddlist_pos_act_option(lv_obj_t * ddlist)
const font_t * font = font_get(style->list_labels.font);
-(ext->act_opt * (font_get_height(font) + style->list_labels.line_space) +
-(ext->sel_opt * (font_get_height(font) + style->list_labels.line_space) +
style->pages.scrl_rects.vpad) + style->sel_rects.vpad);
......@@ -393,7 +456,7 @@ static void lv_ddlists_init(void)
lv_ddlists_def.pages.bg_rects.opad = 0;
lv_ddlists_def.pages.scrl_rects.hpad = 5 * LV_DOWNSCALE;
lv_ddlists_def.pages.scrl_rects.vpad = 5 * LV_DOWNSCALE;
lv_ddlists_def.pages.scrl_rects.vpad = 10 * LV_DOWNSCALE;
lv_ddlists_def.pages.scrl_rects.opad = 0 * LV_DOWNSCALE;
lv_ddlists_def.pages.sb_mode = LV_PAGE_SB_MODE_OFF;
......@@ -404,7 +467,7 @@ static void lv_ddlists_init(void)
lv_rects_get(LV_RECTS_DEF, &lv_ddlists_def.sel_rects);
lv_ddlists_def.sel_rects.bwidth = 0;
lv_ddlists_def.sel_rects.round = 0;
lv_ddlists_def.sel_rects.vpad = 5 * LV_DOWNSCALE;
lv_ddlists_def.sel_rects.vpad = 7 * LV_DOWNSCALE;
......@@ -30,8 +30,9 @@ typedef struct
/*New data for this type */
lv_obj_t * opt_label; /*Label for the options*/
lv_action_res_t (*cb)(lv_obj_t *, uint16_t);
uint16_t act_opt;
uint16_t sel_opt;
uint8_t opened :1;
uint8_t auto_size :1;
/*Style of drop down list*/
......@@ -80,8 +81,15 @@ bool lv_ddlist_signal(lv_obj_t * ddlist, lv_signal_t sign, void * param);
void lv_ddlist_set_options(lv_obj_t * ddlist, const char ** options);
* Set the selected option
* @param ddlist pointer to drop down list object
* @param sel_opt id of the selected option (0 ... number of option - 1);
void lv_ddlist_set_selected(lv_obj_t * ddlist, uint16_t sel_opt);
* Set a function to call when a new option is chosen
* @param ddlist pointer to drop down list
* @param ddlist pointer to a drop down list
* @param cb pointer to a call back function. Its prototype is:
* parameter 1: pointer to the drop down list
* parameter 2: id of the chosen item (0 ... number of options - 1)
......@@ -89,6 +97,15 @@ void lv_ddlist_set_options(lv_obj_t * ddlist, const char ** options);
void lv_ddlist_set_action(lv_obj_t * ddlist, lv_action_res_t (*cb)(lv_obj_t *, uint16_t));
* Set the auto size attribute. If enabled the height will reduced to be visible on the parent.
* In this case the drop down list can be scrolled.
* @param ddlist pointer to a drop down list
* @param auto_size true: enable auto size, false: disable
void lv_ddlist_set_auto_size(lv_obj_t * ddlist, bool auto_size);
* Get the options of a drop down list
* @param ddlist pointer to drop down list object
......@@ -97,6 +114,20 @@ void lv_ddlist_set_action(lv_obj_t * ddlist, lv_action_res_t (*cb)(lv_obj_t *, u
const char * lv_ddlist_get_options(lv_obj_t * ddlist);
* Get the selected option
* @param ddlist pointer to drop down list object
* @return id of the selected option (0 ... number of option - 1);
uint16_t lv_ddlist_get_selected(lv_obj_t * ddlist);
* Get the auto size attribute.
* @param ddlist pointer to a drop down list
* @return true: the auto_size is enabled, false: disabled
bool lv_ddlist_get_auto_size(lv_obj_t * ddlist, bool auto_size);
* Return with a pointer to a built-in style and/or copy it to a variable
* @param style a style name from lv_ddlists_builtin_t enum
* @param copy copy the style to this variable. (NULL if unused)
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