BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 7ab323cd by Gabor Kiss-Vamosi Committed by GitHub


parent 55a5d46f
......@@ -55,15 +55,15 @@ See the [example HAL]( repository!
5. Copy *lvgl/lv_conf_templ.h* as **lv_conf.h** and *misc/misc_conf_templ.h* as **misc_conf.h** to the projects root folder.
6. In the *_conf.h files delete the first `#if 0` and its `#endif` at the end make the configurations
7. In your *main.c* file include:
* #include "misc/misc.h"
* #include "misc/os/ptask.h"
* #include "lvgl/lvgl.h"
* #include "misc/misc.h"
* #include "misc/os/ptask.h"
* #include "lvgl/lvgl.h"
8. In your *main.c* intialize:
* **misc_init()**;
* your_systick_init();
* your_disp_init();
* your_indev_init();
* **lvgl_init()**;
* **misc_init()**;
* your_systick_init();
* your_disp_init();
* your_indev_init();
* **lvgl_init()**;
10. Create a label: `lv_obj_t * label = lv_label_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);`
11. In the main *while(1)* call `ptask_handler();` and make a few milliseconds delay (e.g. `your_delay_ms(5);`)
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