BigW Consortium Gitlab

Unverified Commit 7710b1df by Gabor Kiss-Vamosi Committed by GitHub


parent c0a84605
......@@ -9,12 +9,23 @@ Here are ideas which are not assigned to a minor version yet:
- label: add a horzintal line (e.g. underline or line through).
- lv_split: new object type, a hor. or ver. line for decoration purpose
- lv_valset: new object type, a label with "+" and "-" buttons
- lv_form: new object type, form field with place holder text
- lv_listctrl: new object type, a list various controls on th right (sw, cb erc.)
- lv_inlist: new ibject type, inline drop down list (different open/closed style)
- lv_inlist: new object type, inline drop down list (a button wich opens a list in place)
- lv_char: new_object type: characteristic set (like chart with draggable points)
- lv_vol: new_object type: volume meter (like a bar with segments)
- anim. paths: monentum (tnh(x)), curve (exp), shake
- hover, hover_lost signals
## v5.1 (released at: in progress)
- [ ] Lua interface to craete GUI with script
- [ ] Font handling extension for effective Chiese font handling (cutsom read functions)
- [ ] lv_group: different default style_mod function with LV_COLOR_DEPTH 1
- [ ] lv_img_set_data() for const. image data instead of file system usage
- [ ] Arabic glyph convert (based on letter position)
- [ ] Right-to-left write support
- [ ] Detached area (for video rendering where LittlevGL don't put pixels)
- [ ] lv_ta: add placeholder text
## v5.0 (released at: 20.12.2017)
- [x] UTF-8 support
- [x] lv_tabview: new object type to organise content with tabs
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