BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 178f42b8 by Gabor Kiss-Vamosi Committed by GitHub


parent cd15f653
......@@ -10,10 +10,11 @@ Here are ideas whish are not assigned to a minor version yet:
- label long mode: dot begin
- music player app
- files app update: show content as text
- controll GUI with serial port
- GUI remote control
- automatically build GUI from file (e.g. XML, JSON or HTML)
## v4.2
- [ ] Double VDB support: one for rendering, another to transfer former rendered image to frame buffer in the background (e.g. with DMA)
- [x] lv_group: to control without touch pad. Issue [#14](
- [x] lv_page: scrl def fit modification: hor:false, ver:true, and always set width to parent width
- [x] lv_btn: add lv_btn_get_..._action
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