BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 1782af2a by Gabor Kiss-Vamosi Committed by GitHub


parent 45f4b64c
......@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ Here are ideas which are not assigned to a minor version yet:
- [x] lv_sw: new object type, switch, turn on/off by tap (a little slider)
- [ ] lv_roller: new object type, a roller to select a value (like on smartphones)
- [x] lv_kb: new object type, Keyboard
- [x] lv_btnm: toggle last buttonto create a button group
- [x] lv_btnm: lv_btnm_set_tgl() to toggle last button
- [ ]lv_ta: cursor types
## v4.2 (released at: 17.08.2017)
- [x] Double VDB support: one for rendering, another to transfer former rendered image to frame buffer in the background (e.g. with DMA) [#15](
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