BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit c9cc64f5 by Phil Hughes

Fixed issue with focusing out of dropdown not hiding menu

parent 77c8600a
......@@ -216,6 +216,12 @@ class GitLabDropdown
@dropdown.on 'keyup', (e) =>
if e.which is 27 # Escape key
$('.dropdown-menu-close', @dropdown).trigger 'click'
@dropdown.on 'blur', 'a', (e) =>
$relatedTarget = $(e.relatedTarget)
$dropdownMenu = $relatedTarget.closest('.dropdown-menu')
if $dropdownMenu.length is 0
if @dropdown.find(".dropdown-toggle-page").length
@dropdown.find(".dropdown-toggle-page, .dropdown-menu-back").on "click", (e) =>
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