BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 77c8600a by Phil Hughes

Fixed search field blur not removing focus

Closes #18670
parent 44b8b77e
......@@ -171,22 +171,15 @@ class @SearchAutocomplete
bindEvents: ->
$(document).on 'click', @onDocumentClick
@searchInput.on 'keydown', @onSearchInputKeyDown
@searchInput.on 'keyup', @onSearchInputKeyUp
@searchInput.on 'click', @onSearchInputClick
@searchInput.on 'focus', @onSearchInputFocus
@searchInput.on 'blur', @onSearchInputBlur
@clearInput.on 'click', @onClearInputClick
@locationBadgeEl.on 'click', =>
onDocumentClick: (e) =>
# If clicking outside the search box
# And search input is not focused
# And we are not clicking inside a suggestion
if not $.contains(@dropdown[0], and @isFocused and not $('.search-form').length
enableAutocomplete: ->
# No need to enable anything if user is not logged in
return if !gon.current_user_id
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