BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 11357c8b by Dmitriy Zaporozhets

Merge pull request #8231 from cirosantilli/0000

Fix push not allowed to protected branch if commit starts with 7 zeros.
parents d7c50b4a 71ed0ab0
module Gitlab
module Git
BLANK_SHA = '0' * 40
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ module Gitlab
if forced_push?(project, oldrev, newrev)
# and we dont allow remove of protected branch
elsif newrev =~ /0000000/
elsif newrev == Gitlab::Git::BLANK_SHA
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ module Gitlab
def forced_push?(project, oldrev, newrev)
return false if project.empty_repo?
if oldrev !~ /00000000/ && newrev !~ /00000000/
if oldrev != Gitlab::Git::BLANK_SHA && newrev != Gitlab::Git::BLANK_SHA
missed_refs = IO.popen(%W(git --git-dir=#{project.repository.path_to_repo} rev-list #{oldrev} ^#{newrev})).read
missed_refs.split("\n").size > 0
......@@ -55,12 +55,13 @@ describe Gitlab::GitAccess do
def changes
push_new_branch: '000000000 570e7b2ab refs/heads/wow',
push_new_branch: "#{Gitlab::Git::BLANK_SHA} 570e7b2ab refs/heads/wow",
push_master: '6f6d7e7ed 570e7b2ab refs/heads/master',
push_protected_branch: '6f6d7e7ed 570e7b2ab refs/heads/feature',
push_remove_protected_branch: '570e7b2ab 000000000 refs/heads/feature',
push_remove_protected_branch: "570e7b2ab #{Gitlab::Git::BLANK_SHA} "\
push_tag: '6f6d7e7ed 570e7b2ab refs/tags/v1.0.0',
push_new_tag: '000000000 570e7b2ab refs/tags/v7.8.9',
push_new_tag: "#{Gitlab::Git::BLANK_SHA} 570e7b2ab refs/tags/v7.8.9",
push_all: ['6f6d7e7ed 570e7b2ab refs/heads/master', '6f6d7e7ed 570e7b2ab refs/heads/feature']
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