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  • David Frey's avatar
    Update sdefs to take advantage of #include feature · a9f2cccc
    David Frey authored
    Use the #include feature introduced in Legato 17.05 to allow the
    mangOH Green and Red SDEFs to be based on the wifi SDEF.  The
    advantage of this approach is that the mangOH SDEFs should no longer
    have to be modified to stay in sync with changes to the Legato SDEFs.
    Update sdefs to take advantage of #include feature
    David Frey authored
    Use the #include feature introduced in Legato 17.05 to allow the
    mangOH Green and Red SDEFs to be based on the wifi SDEF.  The
    advantage of this approach is that the mangOH SDEFs should no longer
    have to be modified to stay in sync with changes to the Legato SDEFs.