BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit b1abcb93 by Gabor Kiss-Vamosi

all 3 hal elements are integrated

parent 3d381505
[submodule "misc"]
path = misc
url =
hal @ 86bad91f
Subproject commit 597fd86a782942df3ff7486da8a23831fe73681f
Subproject commit 86bad91fff25a09fc66ccda5d5eb90aeaadf26bb
......@@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ void lv_dispi_reset(void)
void lv_dispi_reset_lpr(lv_dispi_t * dispi)
dispi->long_press_sent = 0;
dispi->lpr_rep_time_stamp = systick_get();
dispi->press_time_stamp = systick_get();
dispi->lpr_rep_time_stamp = lv_hal_tick_get();
dispi->press_time_stamp = lv_hal_tick_get();
......@@ -145,15 +145,15 @@ void lv_dispi_wait_release(lv_dispi_t * dispi)
static void dispi_task(void * param)
lv_hal_indev_data_t data;
lv_indev_t * drv;
drv = lv_hal_indev_next(NULL);
return; //TODO
cord_t x;
cord_t y;
uint8_t i;
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
//TODO dispi_array[i].pressed = indev_get(i, &x, &y);
dispi_proc_point(&dispi_array[i], x, y);
while(drv) {
drv->dispi.pressed = data.state;
dispi_proc_point(&drv->dispi,data.point.x , data.point.y);
drv = lv_hal_indev_next(drv);
/*If reset query occurred in this round then set a flag to
......@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ static void dispi_proc_press(lv_dispi_t * dispi_p)
if(pr_obj != NULL) {
/* Save the time when the obj pressed.
* It is necessary to count the long press time.*/
dispi_p->press_time_stamp = systick_get();
dispi_p->press_time_stamp = lv_hal_tick_get();
dispi_p->long_press_sent = 0;
dispi_p->drag_range_out = 0;
dispi_p->drag_in_prog = 0;
......@@ -300,22 +300,22 @@ static void dispi_proc_press(lv_dispi_t * dispi_p)
/*If there is no drag then check for long press time*/
if(dispi_p->drag_in_prog == 0 && dispi_p->long_press_sent == 0) {
/*Send a signal about the long press if enough time elapsed*/
if(systick_elaps(dispi_p->press_time_stamp) > LV_DISPI_LONG_PRESS_TIME) {
if(lv_hal_tick_elaps(dispi_p->press_time_stamp) > LV_DISPI_LONG_PRESS_TIME) {
pr_obj->signal_f(pr_obj, LV_SIGNAL_LONG_PRESS, dispi_p);
/*Mark the signal sending to do not send it again*/
dispi_p->long_press_sent = 1;
/*Save the long press time stamp for the long press repeat handler*/
dispi_p->lpr_rep_time_stamp = systick_get();
dispi_p->lpr_rep_time_stamp = lv_hal_tick_get();
/*Send long press repeated signal*/
if(dispi_p->drag_in_prog == 0 && dispi_p->long_press_sent == 1) {
/*Send a signal about the long press repeate if enough time elapsed*/
if(systick_elaps(dispi_p->lpr_rep_time_stamp) > LV_DISPI_LONG_PRESS_REP_TIME) {
if(lv_hal_tick_elaps(dispi_p->lpr_rep_time_stamp) > LV_DISPI_LONG_PRESS_REP_TIME) {
pr_obj->signal_f(pr_obj, LV_SIGNAL_LONG_PRESS_REP, dispi_p);
dispi_p->lpr_rep_time_stamp = systick_get();
dispi_p->lpr_rep_time_stamp = lv_hal_tick_get();
......@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ void lv_refr_set_monitor_cb(void (*cb)(uint32_t, uint32_t))
static void lv_refr_task(void * param)
uint32_t start = systick_get();
uint32_t start = lv_hal_tick_get();
......@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ static void lv_refr_task(void * param)
* therefore be sure the inv_buf is cleared prior to it*/
if(refr_done != false) {
if(monitor_cb != NULL) {
monitor_cb(systick_elaps(start), px_num);
monitor_cb(lv_hal_tick_elaps(start), px_num);
......@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ void lv_vdb_flush(void)
/* Now the full the VDB is filtered and the result is stored in the first quarter of it
* Write out the filtered map to the display*/
//TODO disp_map(vdb_act->area.x1 >> 1, vdb_act->area.y1 >> 1, vdb_act->area.x2 >> 1, vdb_act->area.y2 >> 1, vdb_act->buf);
hal_disp_map(vdb_act->area.x1 >> 1, vdb_act->area.y1 >> 1, vdb_act->area.x2 >> 1, vdb_act->area.y2 >> 1, vdb_act->buf);
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