BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit 92e63fbb by Gabor

Draw speed optimalizations

parent c05ebc07
......@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ static lv_action_res_t lv_app_win_conf_action(lv_obj_t * set_btn, lv_dispi_t * d
static lv_action_res_t lv_app_win_open_anim_create(lv_app_inst_t * app);
static lv_action_res_t lv_app_win_minim_anim_create(lv_app_inst_t * app);
static void lv_app_win_open_anim_cb(lv_obj_t * app_win);
static void lv_app_win_close_anim_cb(lv_obj_t * app_win);
static void lv_app_win_minim_anim_cb(lv_obj_t * app_win);
......@@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ static lv_obj_t * app_list; /*A list which is opened on 'app_btn' release*/
static lv_obj_t * sc_page; /*A page for the shortcuts */
static lv_app_inst_t * con_send; /*The sender application in connection mode. Not NLL means connection mode is active*/
static lv_app_style_t app_style; /*Styles for application related things*/
static lv_wins_t wins_no_sb; /*Used when the window is animated. (Do not use scrollbar during the anim.)*/
/*Declare icons*/
#if USE_IMG_CLOSE != 0
......@@ -799,8 +800,18 @@ static lv_action_res_t lv_app_win_close_action(lv_obj_t * close_btn, lv_dispi_t
/*Temporally set no scrollbar style for the window*/
memcpy(&wins_no_sb, lv_obj_get_style(app->win), sizeof(lv_wins_t));
wins_no_sb.pages.sb_mode = LV_PAGE_SB_MODE_OFF;
lv_obj_set_style(app->win, &wins_no_sb);
/*Hide the control buttons and the title during the animation*/
lv_obj_set_hidden(((lv_win_ext_t *)app->win->ext)->ctrl_holder, true);
lv_obj_set_hidden(((lv_win_ext_t *)app->win->ext)->title, true);
lv_obj_anim(app->win, LV_ANIM_FLOAT_BOTTOM | ANIM_OUT, LV_APP_ANIM_WIN, 0, NULL);
lv_obj_anim(app->win, LV_ANIM_FLOAT_LEFT | ANIM_OUT, LV_APP_ANIM_WIN, 0, lv_app_win_close_anim_cb);
/*The animation will close the window*/
......@@ -878,7 +889,7 @@ static lv_action_res_t lv_app_win_open_anim_create(lv_app_inst_t * app)
/*Make an animation on window open*/
area_t cords; /*If no shortcut simulate one or load the its coordinates*/
area_t cords; /*If no shortcut simulate one and load the its coordinates*/
if(app->sc == NULL) {
cords.x1 = LV_HOR_RES / 2 - LV_APP_SC_WIDTH / 2;
cords.y1 = LV_VER_RES / 2 - LV_APP_SC_HEIGHT / 2;
......@@ -888,6 +899,15 @@ static lv_action_res_t lv_app_win_open_anim_create(lv_app_inst_t * app)
lv_obj_get_cords(app->sc, &cords);
/*Temporally set no scrollbar style for the window*/
memcpy(&wins_no_sb, lv_obj_get_style(app->win), sizeof(lv_wins_t));
wins_no_sb.pages.sb_mode = LV_PAGE_SB_MODE_OFF;
lv_obj_set_style(app->win, &wins_no_sb);
/*Hide the control buttons and the title during the animation*/
lv_obj_set_hidden(((lv_win_ext_t *)app->win->ext)->ctrl_holder, true);
lv_obj_set_hidden(((lv_win_ext_t *)app->win->ext)->title, true);
anim_t a;
a.act_time = 0;
a.time = LV_APP_ANIM_WIN;
......@@ -915,6 +935,7 @@ static lv_action_res_t lv_app_win_open_anim_create(lv_app_inst_t * app)
a.start = cords.y1;
a.end = 0;
a.fp = (anim_fp_t) lv_obj_set_y;
a.end_cb = (anim_cb_t)lv_app_win_open_anim_cb;
#endif /*LV_APP_EFFECT_ANIM != 0 && LV_APP_ANIM_WIN != 0*/
......@@ -940,6 +961,15 @@ static lv_action_res_t lv_app_win_minim_anim_create(lv_app_inst_t * app)
lv_obj_get_cords(app->sc, &cords);
/*Temporally set no scrollbar style for the window*/
memcpy(&wins_no_sb, lv_obj_get_style(app->win), sizeof(lv_wins_t));
wins_no_sb.pages.sb_mode = LV_PAGE_SB_MODE_OFF;
lv_obj_set_style(app->win, &wins_no_sb);
/*Hide the control buttons and the title during the animation*/
lv_obj_set_hidden(((lv_win_ext_t *)app->win->ext)->ctrl_holder, true);
lv_obj_set_hidden(((lv_win_ext_t *)app->win->ext)->title, true);
anim_t a;
a.act_time = 0;
a.time = LV_APP_ANIM_WIN;
......@@ -979,6 +1009,22 @@ static lv_action_res_t lv_app_win_minim_anim_create(lv_app_inst_t * app)
* Called when the window open animation is ready to close the application
* @param app_win pointer to a window
static void lv_app_win_open_anim_cb(lv_obj_t * app_win)
/*Unhide the title and the ctrl btn holder*/
lv_obj_set_hidden(((lv_win_ext_t *)app_win->ext)->ctrl_holder, false);
lv_obj_set_hidden(((lv_win_ext_t *)app_win->ext)->title, false);
/*Restore the style*/
lv_obj_set_style(app_win, &app_style.win_style);
* Called when the window close animation is ready to close the application
* @param app_win pointer to a window
......@@ -988,6 +1034,8 @@ static void lv_app_win_close_anim_cb(lv_obj_t * app_win)
lv_app_inst_t * app = lv_obj_get_free_p(app_win);
* Called when the window minimization animation is ready to close the window
* @param app_win pointer to a window
......@@ -1129,7 +1177,7 @@ static void lv_app_init_style(void)
memcpy(&app_style.win_style.title, &app_style.menu_btn_label_style, sizeof(lv_labels_t));
memcpy(&app_style.win_style.ctrl_btn, &app_style.menu_btn_style, sizeof(lv_btns_t));
memcpy(&app_style.win_style.ctrl_img, &app_style.menu_btn_img_style, sizeof(lv_imgs_t));
app_style.win_style.header_opa = app_style.menu_opa;
app_style.win_style.header_opa = OPA_COVER; //app_style.menu_opa;
app_style.win_style.ctrl_btn_opa = app_style.menu_btn_opa;
app_style.win_style.header.vpad = 5 * LV_DOWNSCALE;
app_style.win_style.header.hpad = 5 * LV_DOWNSCALE;
......@@ -48,9 +48,6 @@ static void my_sc_close(lv_app_inst_t * app);
static void my_win_open(lv_app_inst_t * app, lv_obj_t * win);
static void my_win_close(lv_app_inst_t * app);
static lv_action_res_t ta_rel_action(lv_obj_t * ta, lv_dispi_t * dispi);
static void kb_ok_action(lv_obj_t * ta);
......@@ -184,27 +181,4 @@ static void my_win_close(lv_app_inst_t * app)
* Called when the text area on the window is released to open the app. keyboard
* @param ta pointer to the text area on the window
* @param dispi pointer to the caller display input
* @return LV_ACTION_RES_OK because the text area is not deleted
static lv_action_res_t ta_rel_action(lv_obj_t * ta, lv_dispi_t * dispi)
* Called when the "Ok" button is pressed on the app. keyboard
* @param ta pointer to the text area assigned to the app. kexboard
static void kb_ok_action(lv_obj_t * ta)
lv_app_inst_t * app = lv_obj_get_free_p(ta);
const char * txt = lv_ta_get_txt(ta);
lv_app_com_send(app, LV_APP_COM_TYPE_CHAR, txt, strlen(txt));
#endif /*LV_APP_ENABLE != 0 && USE_LV_APP_VISUAL != 0*/
......@@ -88,11 +88,18 @@ void lv_vfill(const area_t * cords_p, const area_t * mask_p,
vdb_buf_tmp += vdb_width;
/*Calculate the alpha too*/
/*Calculate with alpha too*/
else {
color_t bg_tmp = COLOR_BLACK;
color_t opa_tmp = color_mix(color, bg_tmp, opa);
for(row = vdb_rel_a.y1; row <= vdb_rel_a.y2; row++) {
for(col = vdb_rel_a.x1; col <= vdb_rel_a.x2; col++) {
vdb_buf_tmp[col] = color_mix(color, vdb_buf_tmp[col], opa);
/*If the bg color changed recalculate the result color*/
if(vdb_buf_tmp[col].full != bg_tmp.full) {
bg_tmp = vdb_buf_tmp[col];
opa_tmp = color_mix(color, bg_tmp, opa);
vdb_buf_tmp[col] = opa_tmp;
vdb_buf_tmp += vdb_width;
......@@ -224,32 +231,8 @@ void lv_vmap(const area_t * cords_p, const area_t * mask_p,
map_p -= (masked_a.x1 >> ds_shift);
if(upscale != false) {
cord_t row;
cord_t col;
color_t transp_color = LV_COLOR_TRANSP;
color_t color_tmp;
color_t prev_color = COLOR_BLACK;
cord_t map_col;
color_tmp = color_mix(recolor, prev_color, recolor_opa);
for(row = masked_a.y1; row <= masked_a.y2; row++) {
for(col = masked_a.x1; col <= masked_a.x2; col ++) {
map_col = col >> 1;
if(map_p[map_col].full != prev_color.full) {
prev_color.full = map_p[map_col].full;
color_tmp = color_mix(recolor, prev_color, recolor_opa);
if(transp == false || map_p[map_col].full != transp_color.full) {
vdb_buf_tmp[col] = color_mix( color_tmp, vdb_buf_tmp[col], opa);
if((row & 0x1) != 0) map_p += map_width; /*Next row on the map*/
vdb_buf_tmp += vdb_width ; /*Next row on the VDB*/
else {
/*No upscalse*/
if(upscale == false) {
if(transp == false) { /*Simply copy the pixels to the VDB*/
cord_t row;
......@@ -261,7 +244,7 @@ void lv_vmap(const area_t * cords_p, const area_t * mask_p,
map_p += map_width; /*Next row on the map*/
vdb_buf_tmp += vdb_width; /*Next row on the VDB*/
} else {
} else { /*with opacity*/
cord_t col;
for(row = masked_a.y1; row <= masked_a.y2; row++) {
for(col = masked_a.x1; col <= masked_a.x2; col ++) {
......@@ -272,9 +255,11 @@ void lv_vmap(const area_t * cords_p, const area_t * mask_p,
/*To recolor draw simply a rectangle above the image*/
#if LV_VDB_SIZE != 0
/*To recolor draw simply a rectangle above the image*/
if(recolor_opa != OPA_TRANSP) {
lv_vfill(cords_p, mask_p, recolor, recolor_opa);
} else { /*transp == true: Check all pixels */
cord_t row;
......@@ -335,6 +320,57 @@ void lv_vmap(const area_t * cords_p, const area_t * mask_p,
else {
cord_t row;
cord_t col;
color_t transp_color = LV_COLOR_TRANSP;
color_t color_tmp;
color_t prev_color = COLOR_BLACK;
cord_t map_col;
/*The most simple case (but upscale): o opacity, no recolor, no transp. pixels*/
if(transp == false && opa == OPA_COVER && recolor_opa == OPA_TRANSP) {
for(row = masked_a.y1; row <= masked_a.y2; row++) {
for(col = masked_a.x1; col <= masked_a.x2; col ++) {
map_col = col >> 1;
vdb_buf_tmp[col].full = map_p[map_col].full;
if((row & 0x1) != 0) map_p += map_width; /*Next row on the map*/
vdb_buf_tmp += vdb_width ; /*Next row on the VDB*/
/*Handle other cases*/
else {
color_tmp = color_mix(recolor, prev_color, recolor_opa);
for(row = masked_a.y1; row <= masked_a.y2; row++) {
for(col = masked_a.x1; col <= masked_a.x2; col ++) {
map_col = col >> 1;
/*Handle recoloring*/
if(recolor_opa == OPA_TRANSP) {
color_tmp.full = map_p[map_col].full;
} else {
if(map_p[map_col].full != prev_color.full) {
prev_color.full = map_p[map_col].full;
color_tmp = color_mix(recolor, prev_color, recolor_opa);
/*Put the NOT transparent pixels*/
if(transp == false || map_p[map_col].full != transp_color.full) {
/*Handle opacity*/
if(opa == OPA_COVER) {
vdb_buf_tmp[col] = color_tmp;
} else {
vdb_buf_tmp[col] = color_mix( color_tmp, vdb_buf_tmp[col], opa);
if((row & 0x1) != 0) map_p += map_width; /*Next row on the map*/
vdb_buf_tmp += vdb_width ; /*Next row on the VDB*/
......@@ -219,8 +219,8 @@ static void dispi_proc_press(lv_dispi_t * dispi_p)
if(dispi_p->act_obj == NULL) {
pr_obj = dispi_search_obj(dispi_p, lv_scr_act());
/*If there is last object but it can not be dragged also search*/
else if(dispi_p->drag_range_out == 0) {/*Now act_obj != NULL*/
/*If there is last object but it is not dragged also search*/
else if(dispi_p->drag_in_prog == 0) {/*Now act_obj != NULL*/
pr_obj = dispi_search_obj(dispi_p, lv_scr_act());
/*If a dragable object was the last then keep it*/
......@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ void lv_init(void)
def_scr = lv_img_create(NULL, NULL);
lv_img_set_auto_size(def_scr, false);
lv_img_set_file(def_scr, "U:/def_wp");
lv_img_set_upscale(def_scr, true);
def_scr = lv_obj_create(NULL, NULL);
......@@ -75,6 +75,13 @@ void lv_vdb_flush(void)
color_t * out_buf = vdb.buf; /*Store the result here*/
for(y = vdb.vdb_area.y1; y < vdb.vdb_area.y2; y += 2) {
for(x = vdb.vdb_area.x1; x < vdb.vdb_area.x2; x += 2) {
/*If the pixels are the same do not calculate the average */
if(in1_buf->full == (in1_buf + 1)->full &&
in1_buf->full == in2_buf->full &&
in1_buf->full == (in2_buf + 1)->full) {
out_buf->full = in1_buf->full;
} else {
/*Get the average of 2x2 red*/
out_buf->red = (in1_buf->red + (in1_buf + 1)->red +
in2_buf->red + (in2_buf+ 1)->red) >> 2;
......@@ -84,10 +91,11 @@ void lv_vdb_flush(void)
/*Get the average of 2x2 blue*/
out_buf->blue = (in1_buf->blue + (in1_buf + 1)->blue +
in2_buf->blue + (in2_buf + 1)->blue) >> 2;
in1_buf+=2; /*Skip the next pixel because it is already used above*/
in1_buf += 2; /*Skip the next pixel because it is already used above*/
in2_buf += 2;
out_buf ++;
/*2 row is ready so go the next 2*/
in1_buf += w; /*Skip the next row because it is processed from in2_buf*/
......@@ -105,6 +113,4 @@ void lv_vdb_flush(void)
......@@ -217,10 +217,12 @@ void lv_img_set_file(lv_obj_t * img, const char * fn)
ext->h = header.h;
ext->transp = header.transp;
if(ext->upscale != 0) {
ext->w *= 2;
ext->h *= 2;
/*Handle symbol texts*/
else {
......@@ -240,11 +242,6 @@ void lv_img_set_file(lv_obj_t * img, const char * fn)
if(ext->upscale != 0) {
ext->w *= LV_DOWNSCALE;
ext->h *= LV_DOWNSCALE;
if(fn != NULL) {
ext->fn = dm_realloc(ext->fn, strlen(fn) + 1);
strcpy(ext->fn, fn);
......@@ -284,6 +281,10 @@ void lv_img_set_upscale(lv_obj_t * img, bool en)
lv_img_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext(img);
/*Upscale works only if antialiassing is enabled*/
en = false;
ext->upscale = (en == false ? 0 : 1);
/*Refresh the image with the new size*/
......@@ -517,7 +517,6 @@ static bool lv_page_design(lv_obj_t * page, const area_t * mask, lv_design_mode_
ancestor_design_f(page, mask, mode);
} else if(mode == LV_DESIGN_DRAW_POST) { /*Draw the scroll bars finally*/
ancestor_design_f(page, mask, mode);
lv_page_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext(page);
lv_pages_t * style = lv_obj_get_style(page);
opa_t sb_opa = lv_obj_get_opa(page) * style->sb_opa /100;
......@@ -554,6 +553,7 @@ static bool lv_page_design(lv_obj_t * page, const area_t * mask, lv_design_mode_
static void lv_page_sb_refresh(lv_obj_t * page)
// return;
/*Always let sb_width padding above,under, left and right to the scrollbars
* else:
* - horizontal and vertical scrollbars can overlap on the corners
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