Patch versions (x.y.1, x.y.2) contain bugfixes without changing the API but they can apppear in minor (x.1.0, x.2.0) or major (1.0.0, 2.0.0) versions too.
Bugfixes are done in `bugfix` branche.
The bugfixes of the still not released version are in `beta` branche.
## Contributing
Please create an issue to introduce a bug instead of adding pull request to this file.
## v5.0.2 (released at: in progress)
## v5.0.3 (in progress)
-[x] lv_chart: Fix the use of point_num more then 256 (Thanks to upbeat27)
-[x] lv_label: fix 'offset' with LV_ANTIALIAS (LV_LABEL_LONG_ROLL was effected)
-[x] lv_label: anim. time wasn't allyed for LV_LABEL_LONG_ROLL
-[x] lv_txt_ut8_size fiy for 4 byte characters
-[x] lv_slider: fix knob_in with not zero min value
-[x] lv_area_is_on: handled some cases wrong
-[x] lv_indev: buffered indevs (return *true* in indev_read) was handled as non-buffered
-[x] drag: don't invalidate if the object wasn't moved