BigW Consortium Gitlab

Name Last update
bin Loading commit data...
qa Loading commit data...
spec Loading commit data...
.gitignore Loading commit data...
.rspec Loading commit data...
Dockerfile Loading commit data...
Gemfile Loading commit data...
Gemfile.lock Loading commit data... Loading commit data...
qa.rb Loading commit data...

Integration tests for GitLab

This directory contains integration tests for GitLab.

It is part of GitLab QA project.

What GitLab QA is?

GitLab QA is an integration tests suite for GitLab.

These are black-box and entirely click-driven integration tests you can run against any existing instance.

How does it work?

  1. When we release a new version of GitLab, we build a Docker images for it.
  2. Along with GitLab Docker Images we also build and publish GitLab QA images.
  3. GitLab QA project uses these images to execute integration tests.