BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit fc6ae3fb by Fatih Acet

Merge branch '18297-i-would-like-text-to-wrap-when-in-edit-mode-on-web-app' into 'master'

Added soft wrap option to editor (attempt 2 after killing master) Previously !6188. ## What does this MR do? Adds a `Soft wrap` button to the editor, when clicked, it wraps the text in the editor and changes to `No wrap`, then when clicked, it unwraps the text in the editor. ## Are there points in the code the reviewer needs to double check? Let's make sure we dont blow up `master` this time. 😨 😆 ## Why was this MR needed? ## Screenshots (if relevant) #### No wrap ![Screen_Shot_2016-09-02_at_19.54.54](/uploads/97f2d1b2d415d03fe1b0be0640ab12e0/Screen_Shot_2016-09-02_at_19.54.54.png) #### Soft wrap ![Screen_Shot_2016-09-02_at_19.54.45](/uploads/5af425587ce7198e015cce58440971b9/Screen_Shot_2016-09-02_at_19.54.45.png) ## Does this MR meet the acceptance criteria? - [ ] [CHANGELOG]( entry added - [ ] [Documentation created/updated]( - [ ] API support added - Tests - [ ] Added for this feature/bug - [ ] All builds are passing - [ ] Conform by the [merge request performance guides]( - [ ] Conform by the [style guides]( - [ ] Branch has no merge conflicts with `master` (if you do - rebase it please) - [ ] [Squashed related commits together]( ## What are the relevant issue numbers? Closes #18297 See merge request !6594
parents f4d41132 70f7d244
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ v 8.13.0 (unreleased)
- Fix permission for setting an issue's due date
- Expose expires_at field when sharing project on API
- Allow the Koding integration to be configured through the API
- Added soft wrap button to repository file/blob editor
- Fix robots.txt disallowing access to groups starting with "s" (Matt Harrison)
- Close open merge request without source project (Katarzyna Kobierska Ula Budziszewska)
- Use a ConnectionPool for Rails.cache on Sidekiq servers
......@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
// submitted textarea
new BlobLicenseSelectors({
editor: this.editor
......@@ -50,6 +51,7 @@
if (paneId === "#preview") {
return $.post("preview-url"), {
content: this.editor.getValue()
}, function(response) {
......@@ -57,10 +59,23 @@
return currentPane.syntaxHighlight();
} else {
return this.editor.focus();
EditBlob.prototype.initSoftWrap = function() {
this.isSoftWrapped = false;
this.$toggleButton = $('.soft-wrap-toggle');
this.$toggleButton.on('click', this.toggleSoftWrap.bind(this));
EditBlob.prototype.toggleSoftWrap = function(e) {
this.isSoftWrapped = !this.isSoftWrapped;
this.$toggleButton.toggleClass('soft-wrap-active', this.isSoftWrapped);
return EditBlob;
......@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
.gitlab-ci-yml-selector {
......@@ -67,6 +68,24 @@
font-family: $regular_font;
.soft-wrap-toggle {
margin: 0 $btn-side-margin;
.soft-wrap {
display: block;
.no-wrap {
display: none;
&.soft-wrap-active {
.soft-wrap {
display: none;
.no-wrap {
display: block;
.gitignore-selector, .license-selector, .gitlab-ci-yml-selector {
.dropdown {
line-height: 21px;
......@@ -21,6 +21,13 @@
= dropdown_tag("Choose a .gitignore template", options: { toggle_class: 'js-gitignore-selector', title: "Choose a template", filter: true, placeholder: "Filter", data: { data: gitignore_names } } )
= dropdown_tag("Choose a GitLab CI Yaml template", options: { toggle_class: 'js-gitlab-ci-yml-selector', title: "Choose a template", filter: true, placeholder: "Filter", data: { data: gitlab_ci_ymls } } )
= button_tag class: 'soft-wrap-toggle btn', type: 'button' do
= custom_icon('icon_no_wrap')
No wrap
= custom_icon('icon_soft_wrap')
Soft wrap
= select_tag :encoding, options_for_select([ "base64", "text" ], "text"), class: 'select2'
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
<path fill-rule="evenodd" d="m6 11h-4.509c-.263 0-.491.226-.491.505v.991c0 .291.22.505.491.505h4.509v.679c0 .301.194.413.454.236l2.355-1.607c.251-.171.259-.442 0-.619l-2.355-1.607c-.251-.171-.454-.07-.454.236v.681m-5-7.495c0-.279.22-.505.498-.505h13c.275 0 .498.214.498.505v.991c0 .279-.22.505-.498.505h-13c-.275 0-.498-.214-.498-.505v-.991m10 8c0-.279.215-.505.49-.505h3.02c.271 0 . .279-.215.505-.49.505h-3.02c-.271 0-.49-.214-.49-.505v-.991m-10-4c0-.279.22-.505.498-.505h13c.275 0 .498.214.498.505v.991c0 .279-.22.505-.498.505h-13c-.275 0-.498-.214-.498-.505v-.991"/>
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
<path fill-rule="evenodd" d="m12 11h-2v-.681c0-.307-.203-.407-.454-.236l-2.355 1.607c-.259.177-.251.448 0 .619l2.355 1.607c.259.177.454.065.454-.236v-.679h2c0 0 0 0 0 0 1.657 0 3-1.343 3-3 0-.828-.336-1.578-.879-2.121-.543-.543-1.293-.879-2.121-.879-.001 0-.002 0-.002 0h-10.497c-.271 0-.5.226-.5.505v.991c0 .291.224.505.5.505h10.497c.001 0 .002 0 .002 0 .552 0 1 .448 1 1 0 .276-.112.526-.293.707-.181.181-.431.293-.707.293m-11-7.495c0-.279.22-.505.498-.505h13c.275 0 .498.214.498.505v.991c0 .279-.22.505-.498.505h-13c-.275 0-.498-.214-.498-.505v-.991m0 8c0-.279.215-.505.49-.505h3.02c.271 0 . .279-.215.505-.49.505h-3.02c-.271 0-.49-.214-.49-.505v-.991"/>
require 'spec_helper'
feature 'User uses soft wrap whilst editing file', feature: true, js: true do
before do
user = create(:user)
project = create(:project) << [user, :master]
login_as user
visit namespace_project_new_blob_path(project.namespace, project, 'master', file_name: 'test_file-name')
editor = find('.file-editor.code')
editor.send_keys 'Touch water with paw then recoil in horror chase dog then
run away chase the pig around the house eat owner\'s food, and knock
dish off table head butt cant eat out of my own dish. Cat is love, cat
is life rub face on everything poop on grasses so meow. Playing with
balls of wool flee in terror at cucumber discovered on floor run in
circles tuxedo cats always looking dapper, but attack dog, run away
and pretend to be victim so all of a sudden cat goes crazy, yet chase
laser. Make muffins sit in window and stare ooo, a bird! yum lick yarn
hanging out of own butt jump off balcony, onto stranger\'s head yet
chase laser. Purr for no reason stare at ceiling hola te quiero.'.squish
let(:toggle_button) { find('.soft-wrap-toggle') }
scenario 'user clicks the "Soft wrap" button and then "No wrap" button' do
wrapped_content_width = get_content_width
expect(toggle_button).to have_content 'No wrap'
unwrapped_content_width = get_content_width
expect(unwrapped_content_width).to be < wrapped_content_width
expect(toggle_button).to have_content 'Soft wrap'
expect(get_content_width).to be > unwrapped_content_width
def get_content_width
find('.ace_content')[:style].slice!(/width: \d+/).slice!(/\d+/)
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