BigW Consortium Gitlab

Fix CHANGELOG and wrong conflict resolution

Signed-off-by: 's avatarRémy Coutable <>
parent 66a9511b
......@@ -94,14 +94,6 @@ v 8.12.2
- Fix resolve discussion buttons endpoint path
- Refactor remnants of CoffeeScript destructured opts and super !6261
v 8.12.4 (unreleased)
- Set GitLab project exported file permissions to owner only
- Don't send Private-Token (API authentication) headers to Sentry
v 8.12.2 (unreleased)
- Fix Import/Export not recognising correctly the imported services.
- Respect the fork_project permission when forking projects
v 8.12.1
- Fix a memory leak in HTML::Pipeline::SanitizationFilter::WHITELIST
- Fix issue with search filter labels not displaying
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
var _this;
_this = this;
$('.js-label-select').each(function(i, dropdown) {
var $block, $colorPreview, $dropdown, $form, $loading, $selectbox, $sidebarCollapsedValue, $value, abilityName, defaultLabel, enableLabelCreateButton, issueURLSplit, issueUpdateURL, labelHTMLTemplate, labelNoneHTMLTemplate, labelUrl, projectId, saveLabelData, selectedLabel, showAny, showNo, $sidebarLabelTooltip, initialSelected, $toggleText, fieldName, useId, propertyName, showMenuAbove;
var $block, $colorPreview, $dropdown, $form, $loading, $selectbox, $sidebarCollapsedValue, $value, abilityName, defaultLabel, enableLabelCreateButton, issueURLSplit, issueUpdateURL, labelHTMLTemplate, labelNoneHTMLTemplate, labelUrl, namespacePath, projectPath, saveLabelData, selectedLabel, showAny, showNo, $sidebarLabelTooltip, initialSelected, $toggleText, fieldName, useId, propertyName, showMenuAbove;
$dropdown = $(dropdown);
$toggleText = $dropdown.find('.dropdown-toggle-text');
namespacePath = $'namespace-path');
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