BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit f3fccaa3 by Alfredo Sumaran

Merge branch '25188-polyfill-es-symbol' into 'master'

Enable array spread and destructuring through recommended Babel polyfills Closes #25188 and #24922 See merge request !10120
parents 1b7eddd8 670d9a8b
// ECMAScript polyfills
import 'core-js/fn/array/find';
import 'core-js/fn/array/from';
import 'core-js/fn/object/assign';
import 'core-js/fn/promise';
import 'core-js/fn/string/code-point-at';
import 'core-js/fn/string/from-code-point';
import 'core-js/fn/symbol';
// Browser polyfills
import './polyfills/custom_event';
......@@ -33,11 +33,7 @@ class Diff {
handleClickUnfold(e) {
const $target = $(;
// current babel config relies on iterators implementation, so we cannot simply do:
// const [oldLineNumber, newLineNumber] = this.lineNumbers($target.parent());
const ref = this.lineNumbers($target.parent());
const oldLineNumber = ref[0];
const newLineNumber = ref[1];
const [oldLineNumber, newLineNumber] = this.lineNumbers($target.parent());
const offset = newLineNumber - oldLineNumber;
const bottom = $target.hasClass('js-unfold-bottom');
let since;
......@@ -105,10 +101,11 @@ class Diff {
lineNumbers(line) {
if (!line.children().length) {
const children = line.find('.diff-line-num').toArray();
if (children.length !== 2) {
return [0, 0];
return line.find('.diff-line-num').map((i, elm) => parseInt($(elm).data('linenumber'), 10));
return => parseInt($(elm).data('linenumber'), 10) || 0);
highlightSelectedLine() {
title: Add ECMAScript polyfills for Symbol and Array.find
merge_request: 10120
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