BigW Consortium Gitlab

Unverified Commit f3c55164 by Brennan Roberts Committed by Rémy Coutable

Prevent conflict b/w search field and its dropdown

Stop the global search form's default "action" from fighting with dropdown items when using the keyboard to navigate the dropdown. `e.preventDefault()` is now called on the enter key when a dropdown item is already selected. Signed-off-by: 's avatarRémy Coutable <>
parent 4e963fed
......@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ v 8.13.0 (unreleased)
- Replace bootstrap caret with fontawesome caret (ClemMakesApps)
- Fix unnecessary escaping of reserved HTML characters in milestone title. !6533
- Add organization field to user profile
- Fix enter key when navigating search site search dropdown. !6643 (Brennan Roberts)
- Fix deploy status responsiveness error !6633
- Fix resolved discussion display in side-by-side diff view !6575
- Optimize GitHub importing for speed and memory
......@@ -738,6 +738,7 @@
return false;
if (currentKeyCode === 13 && currentIndex !== -1) {
......@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
/*= require lib/utils/common_utils */
/*= require lib/utils/type_utility */
/*= require fuzzaldrin-plus */
/*= require turbolinks */
/*= require jquery.turbolinks */
(function() {
var addBodyAttributes, assertLinks, dashboardIssuesPath, dashboardMRsPath, groupIssuesPath, groupMRsPath, groupName, mockDashboardOptions, mockGroupOptions, mockProjectOptions, projectIssuesPath, projectMRsPath, projectName, userId, widget;
......@@ -138,7 +140,7 @@
list = widget.wrap.find('.dropdown-menu').find('ul');
return assertLinks(list, projectIssuesPath, projectMRsPath);
return it('should not show category related menu if there is text in the input', function() {
it('should not show category related menu if there is text in the input', function() {
var link, list;
......@@ -148,6 +150,23 @@
link = "a[href='" + projectIssuesPath + "/?assignee_id=" + userId + "']";
return expect(list.find(link).length).toBe(0);
return it('should not submit the search form when selecting an autocomplete row with the keyboard', function() {
var ENTER = 13;
var DOWN = 40;
var submitSpy = spyOnEvent('form', 'submit');
widget.wrap.trigger($.Event('keydown', { which: DOWN }));
var enterKeyEvent = $.Event('keydown', { which: ENTER });
// This does not currently catch failing behavior. For security reasons,
// browsers will not trigger default behavior (form submit, in this
// example) on JavaScript-created keypresses.
// Does a worse job at capturing the intent of the test, but works.
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