BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit f3b6839a by James Lopez

update based on feedback

parent 4b650fac
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
= sort_title_oldest_updated
- if current_user && can?(current_user, :fork_project, @project)
- if current_user && current_user.already_forked?(@project) && current_user.manageable_namespaces.size < 2
- if current_user.already_forked?(@project) && current_user.manageable_namespaces.size < 2
= link_to namespace_project_path(current_user, current_user.fork_of(@project)), title: 'Go to your fork', class: 'btn btn-new' do
= icon('code-fork fw')
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- ci = false unless local_assigns[:ci] == true
- skip_namespace = false unless local_assigns[:skip_namespace] == true
- css_class = '' unless local_assigns[:css_class]
- show_last_commit_as_description = false unless local_assigns[:show_last_commit_as_description] == true && !project.empty_repo? && project.commit
- show_last_commit_as_description = false unless local_assigns[:show_last_commit_as_description] == true && project.commit
- css_class += " no-description" if project.description.blank? && !show_last_commit_as_description
- ci_commit = project.ci_commit(project.commit.sha) if ci && !project.empty_repo? && project.commit
- cache_key = [project.namespace, project, controller.controller_name, controller.action_name, current_application_settings, 'v2.2']
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