BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit f39b150a by Jacob Vosmaer

Call your existing LDAP server 'main'

By imposing this rule we avoid having to demand that 'ldapmain' exists in the settings initializer.
parent 65a3928b
......@@ -105,6 +105,15 @@ production: &base
enabled: false
# Since GitLab 7.4, LDAP servers get ID's (below the ID is 'main'). GitLab
# Enterprise Edition now supports connecting to multiple LDAP servers.
# If you are updating from the old (pre-7.4) syntax, you MUST give your
# old server the ID 'main'.
main: # 'main' is the GitLab 'provider ID' of this LDAP server
## label
......@@ -81,10 +81,6 @@ if Settings.ldap['enabled'] || Rails.env.test?
server['provider_name'] ||= "ldap#{key}".downcase
server['provider_class'] = OmniAuth::Utils.camelize(server['provider_name'])
unless Settings.ldap['servers'].select{ |k, server| server['provider_name'] == "ldapmain"}.any?
raise "Wrong LDAP configuration. The 'main' LDAP section is missing"
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