BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit efe90876 by Axilleas Pipinellis

Added os_name support for systems running systemd.

parent a45e4721
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ namespace :gitlab do
# Check which OS is running
# It will primarily use lsb_relase to determine the OS.
# It has fallbacks to Debian, SuSE and OS X.
# It has fallbacks to Debian, SuSE, OS X and systems running systemd.
def os_name
os_name = run("lsb_release -irs")
os_name ||= if File.readable?('/etc/system-release')
......@@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ namespace :gitlab do
os_name ||= if os_x_version = run("sw_vers -productVersion")
"Mac OS X #{os_x_version}"
os_name ||= if File.readable?('/etc/os-release')'/etc/os-release').match(/PRETTY_NAME=\"(.+)\"/)[1]
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