BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit ef85c510 by James Lopez

corrected a couple of based on MR review

parent 43ee65e1
......@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ class RemoveWrongImportUrlFromProjects < ActiveRecord::Migration
say("Projects and Github projects with a wrong URL. It also migrates Gitlab project credentials.")
in_transaction { process_projects_with_wrong_url }
say("Migrating bitbucket credentials...")# TODO remove last param
in_transaction { process_project(import_type: 'bitbucket', unencrypted_data: ['repo', 'user_map']) }
say("Migrating bitbucket credentials...")
in_transaction { process_project(import_type: 'bitbucket') }
say("Migrating fogbugz credentials...")
in_transaction { process_project(import_type: 'fogbugz', unencrypted_data: ['repo', 'user_map']) }
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ module Gitlab
import_data = project.import_data.try(:data)
repo_data = import_data['repo'] if import_data
if defined?(repo_data)
if repo_data
@repo =
@known_labels =
......@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ module Gitlab
def execute
return true unless repo.valid?
Rails.logger.error import_data_credentials.inspect
client = import_data_credentials['fb_session']['token'], uri: import_data_credentials['fb_session']['uri'])
@cases = client.cases(
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