BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit eee41653 by Rémy Coutable

Merge branch 'bkintz/gitlab-ce-17846-jira-comment-path'

Use the server's base URL without relative URL part when creating links in JIRA Closes #17846 See merge request !6143
parents d7859912 6419fe36
......@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Please view this file on the master branch, on stable branches it's out of date.
- Do not show tooltip for active element !7105 (winniehell)
- Escape ref and path for relative links !6050 (winniehell)
- Fixed link typo on /help/ui to Alerts section. !6915 (Sam Rose)
- Fix broken issue/merge request links in JIRA comments. !6143 (Brian Kintz)
- Fix filtering of milestones with quotes in title (airatshigapov)
- Refactor less readable existance checking code from CoffeeScript !6289 (jlogandavison)
- Update mail_room and enable sentinel support to Reply By Email (!7101)
......@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ class JiraService < IssueTrackerService
def resource_url(resource)
def build_entity_url(entity_name, entity_id)
require 'spec_helper'
include Gitlab::Routing.url_helpers
describe JiraService, models: true do
describe "Associations" do
......@@ -66,6 +67,27 @@ describe JiraService, models: true do
it "references the GitLab commit/merge request" do
@jira_service.execute(merge_request,"JIRA-123", project))
expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:post, @comment_url).with(
body: /#{Gitlab.config.gitlab.url}\/#{project.path_with_namespace}\/commit\/#{merge_request.diff_head_sha}/
it "references the GitLab commit/merge request (relative URL)" do
stub_config_setting(relative_url_root: '/gitlab')
stub_config_setting(url: Settings.send(:build_gitlab_url))
Project.default_url_options[:script_name] = "/gitlab"
@jira_service.execute(merge_request,"JIRA-123", project))
expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:post, @comment_url).with(
body: /#{Gitlab.config.gitlab.url}\/#{project.path_with_namespace}\/commit\/#{merge_request.diff_head_sha}/
it "calls the api with jira_issue_transition_id" do
@jira_service.jira_issue_transition_id = 'this-is-a-custom-id'
@jira_service.execute(merge_request,"JIRA-123", project))
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