BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit edbf9880 by Regis

update task_list n/n

parent 1f8226e1
......@@ -32,7 +32,9 @@ export default {
timeoutId: null,
title: '<span></span>',
description: '<span></span>',
descriptionText: '',
descriptionChange: false,
taskStatus: '',
methods: {
......@@ -40,46 +42,35 @@ export default {
const body = JSON.parse(res.body);
triggerAnimation(body) {
// always reset to false before checking the change
this.descriptionChange = false;
const { title, description } = body;
this.descriptionText = body.description_text;
* since opacity is changed, even if there is no diff for Vue to update
* we must check the title/description even on a 304 to ensure no visual change
const noTitleChange = this.title === title;
const noDescriptionChange = this.description === description;
if (noTitleChange && noDescriptionChange) return;
const elementsToVisualize = [];
updateTaskHTML(body) {
this.taskStatus = body.task_status;
document.querySelector('#task_status').innerText = this.taskStatus;
elementsToVisualize(noTitleChange, noDescriptionChange) {
const elementStack = [];
if (!noTitleChange) {
if (!noDescriptionChange) {
// only change to true when we need to bind TaskLists the html of description
this.descriptionChange = true;
elementsToVisualize.forEach((element) => {
elementStack.forEach((element) => {
return elementStack;
animate(title, description, elementsToVisualize) {
this.timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
this.title = title;
document.querySelector('title').innerText = title;
this.description = description;
document.querySelector('title').innerText = title;
elementsToVisualize.forEach((element) => {
......@@ -89,6 +80,29 @@ export default {
}, 0);
triggerAnimation(body) {
// always reset to false before checking the change
this.descriptionChange = false;
const { title, description } = body;
this.descriptionText = body.description_text;
* since opacity is changed, even if there is no diff for Vue to update
* we must check the title/description even on a 304 to ensure no visual change
const noTitleChange = this.title === title;
const noDescriptionChange = this.description === description;
if (noTitleChange && noDescriptionChange) return;
const elementsToVisualize = this.elementsToVisualize(
this.animate(title, description, elementsToVisualize);
computed: {
descriptionClass() {
......@@ -118,7 +132,6 @@ export default {
return tl;
return null;
......@@ -198,10 +198,12 @@ class Projects::IssuesController < Projects::ApplicationController
def rendered_title
Gitlab::PollingInterval.set_header(response, interval: 3_000)
render json: {
title: view_context.markdown_field(@issue, :title),
description: view_context.markdown_field(@issue, :description),
description_text: @issue.description,
task_status: @issue.task_status,
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