BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit ecb3f1eb by Christopher Bartz Committed by Rémy Coutable

Rename `markdown_preview` routes to `preview_markdown`

parent a081b842
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ v 8.11.0 (unreleased)
- Fix don't pass a local variable called `i` to a partial. !20510 (herminiotorres)
- Fix rename `add_users_into_project` and `projects_ids`. !20512 (herminiotorres)
- Fix the title of the toggle dropdown button. !5515 (herminiotorres)
- Rename `markdown_preview` routes to `preview_markdown`. (Christopher Bartz)
- Improve diff performance by eliminating redundant checks for text blobs
- Ensure that branch names containing escapable characters (e.g. %20) aren't unescaped indiscriminately. !5770 (ewiltshi)
- Convert switch icon into icon font (ClemMakesApps)
/*= require markdown_preview */
/*= require preview_markdown */
(function() {
this.DropzoneInput = (function() {
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
MarkdownPreview.prototype.renderMarkdown = function(text, success) {
if (!window.markdown_preview_path) {
if (!window.preview_markdown_path) {
if (text === this.ajaxCache.text) {
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
return $.ajax({
type: 'POST',
url: window.markdown_preview_path,
url: window.preview_markdown_path,
data: {
text: text
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ class Projects::WikisController < Projects::ApplicationController
def markdown_preview
def preview_markdown
text = params[:text]
ext =, current_user)
......@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ class ProjectsController < Projects::ApplicationController
def markdown_preview
def preview_markdown
text = params[:text]
ext =, current_user)
......@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@
- content_for :scripts_body_top do
- project = @target_project || @project
- if @project_wiki && @page
- markdown_preview_path = namespace_project_wiki_markdown_preview_path(project.namespace, project, @page.slug)
- preview_markdown_path = namespace_project_wiki_preview_markdown_path(project.namespace, project, @page.slug)
- else
- markdown_preview_path = markdown_preview_namespace_project_path(project.namespace, project)
- preview_markdown_path = preview_markdown_namespace_project_path(project.namespace, project)
- if current_user
window.project_uploads_path = "#{namespace_project_uploads_path project.namespace,project}";
window.markdown_preview_path = "#{markdown_preview_path}";
window.preview_markdown_path = "#{preview_markdown_path}";
- content_for :scripts_body do
= render "layouts/init_auto_complete" if current_user
......@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ Rails.application.routes.draw do
post :unarchive
post :housekeeping
post :toggle_star
post :markdown_preview
post :preview_markdown
post :export
post :remove_export
post :generate_new_export
......@@ -660,7 +660,7 @@ Rails.application.routes.draw do
get '/wikis/*id', to: 'wikis#show', as: 'wiki', constraints: WIKI_SLUG_ID
delete '/wikis/*id', to: 'wikis#destroy', constraints: WIKI_SLUG_ID
put '/wikis/*id', to: 'wikis#update', constraints: WIKI_SLUG_ID
post '/wikis/*id/markdown_preview', to: 'wikis#markdown_preview', constraints: WIKI_SLUG_ID, as: 'wiki_markdown_preview'
post '/wikis/*id/preview_markdown', to: 'wikis#preview_markdown', constraints: WIKI_SLUG_ID, as: 'wiki_preview_markdown'
resource :repository, only: [:create] do
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ end
# project GET /:id(.:format) projects#show
# PUT /:id(.:format) projects#update
# DELETE /:id(.:format) projects#destroy
# markdown_preview_project POST /:id/markdown_preview(.:format) projects#markdown_preview
# preview_markdown_project POST /:id/preview_markdown(.:format) projects#preview_markdown
describe ProjectsController, 'routing' do
it 'to #create' do
expect(post('/projects')).to route_to('projects#create')
......@@ -91,9 +91,9 @@ describe ProjectsController, 'routing' do
expect(delete('/gitlab/gitlabhq')).to route_to('projects#destroy', namespace_id: 'gitlab', id: 'gitlabhq')
it 'to #markdown_preview' do
route_to('projects#markdown_preview', namespace_id: 'gitlab', id: 'gitlabhq')
it 'to #preview_markdown' do
route_to('projects#preview_markdown', namespace_id: 'gitlab', id: 'gitlabhq')
Markdown is supported
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