BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit ea7478d6 by Dmitriy Zaporozhets

Fix features checkboxes at admin settings page

parent c572bdb5
......@@ -8,22 +8,30 @@
%legend Features
= f.label :signup_enabled, class: 'control-label col-sm-2'
= f.check_box :signup_enabled, class: 'checkbox form-control'
= f.label :signin_enabled, class: 'control-label col-sm-2'
= f.check_box :signin_enabled, class: 'checkbox form-control'
= f.label :gravatar_enabled, class: 'control-label col-sm-2'
= f.check_box :gravatar_enabled, class: 'checkbox form-control'
= f.label :twitter_sharing_enabled, "Twitter enabled", class: 'control-label col-sm-2'
= f.check_box :twitter_sharing_enabled, class: 'checkbox form-control', :'aria-describedby' => 'twitter_help_block' Show users a button to share their newly created public or internal projects on twitter
= f.label :signup_enabled do
= f.check_box :signup_enabled
Signin enabled
= f.label :signin_enabled do
= f.check_box :signin_enabled
Signup enabled
= f.label :gravatar_enabled do
= f.check_box :gravatar_enabled
Gravatar enabled
= f.label :twitter_sharing_enabled do
= f.check_box :twitter_sharing_enabled, :'aria-describedby' => 'twitter_help_block'
%strong Twitter enabled Show users a button to share their newly created public or internal projects on twitter
%legend Misc
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