BigW Consortium Gitlab

Fix tests for user page

parent 72b29525
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ class UsersController < ApplicationController
@user = User.find_by_username!(params[:username])
@projects = Project.personal(@user).accessible_to(current_user)
if !current_user && @projects.empty?
unless current_user || @user.public_profile?
return authenticate_user!
......@@ -478,4 +478,8 @@ class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def generate_tmp_oauth_email = "temp-email-for-oauth-#{username}@gitlab.localhost"
def public_profile?
......@@ -102,24 +102,24 @@ module SharedProject
page.should_not have_content "Community"
step '"John Doe" is authorized to private project "Enterprise"' do
step '"John Doe" owns private project "Enterprise"' do
user = user_exists("John Doe", username: "john_doe")
project = Project.find_by(name: "Enterprise")
project ||= create(:project, name: "Enterprise", namespace: user.namespace)
project ||= create(:empty_project, name: "Enterprise", namespace: user.namespace) << [user, :master]
step '"John Doe" is authorized to internal project "Internal"' do
step '"John Doe" owns internal project "Internal"' do
user = user_exists("John Doe", username: "john_doe")
project = Project.find_by(name: "Internal")
project ||= create :project, :internal, name: 'Internal'
project ||= create :empty_project, :internal, name: 'Internal', namespace: user.namespace << [user, :master]
step '"John Doe" is authorized to public project "Community"' do
step '"John Doe" owns public project "Community"' do
user = user_exists("John Doe", username: "john_doe")
project = Project.find_by(name: "Community")
project ||= create :project, :public, name: 'Community'
project ||= create :empty_project, :public, name: 'Community', namespace: user.namespace << [user, :master]
Feature: User
Given User "John Doe" exists
And "John Doe" is authorized to private project "Enterprise"
And "John Doe" owns private project "Enterprise"
# Signed out
Scenario: I visit user "John Doe" page while not signed in when he is authorized to a public project
Given "John Doe" is authorized to internal project "Internal"
And "John Doe" is authorized to public project "Community"
Scenario: I visit user "John Doe" page while not signed in when he owns a public project
Given "John Doe" owns internal project "Internal"
And "John Doe" owns public project "Community"
When I visit user "John Doe" page
Then I should see user "John Doe" page
And I should not see project "Enterprise"
......@@ -15,15 +15,15 @@ Feature: User
And I should see project "Community"
Scenario: I visit user "John Doe" page while not signed in when he is not authorized to a public project
Given "John Doe" is authorized to internal project "Internal"
Given "John Doe" owns internal project "Internal"
When I visit user "John Doe" page
Then I should be redirected to sign in page
# Signed in as someone else
Scenario: I visit user "John Doe" page while signed in as someone else when he is authorized to a public project
Given "John Doe" is authorized to public project "Community"
And "John Doe" is authorized to internal project "Internal"
Scenario: I visit user "John Doe" page while signed in as someone else when he owns a public project
Given "John Doe" owns public project "Community"
And "John Doe" owns internal project "Internal"
And I sign in as a user
When I visit user "John Doe" page
Then I should see user "John Doe" page
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Feature: User
And I should see project "Community"
Scenario: I visit user "John Doe" page while signed in as someone else when he is not authorized to a public project
Given "John Doe" is authorized to internal project "Internal"
Given "John Doe" owns internal project "Internal"
And I sign in as a user
When I visit user "John Doe" page
Then I should see user "John Doe" page
......@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ Feature: User
# Signed in as the user himself
Scenario: I visit user "John Doe" page while signed in as "John Doe" when he has a public project
Given "John Doe" is authorized to internal project "Internal"
And "John Doe" is authorized to public project "Community"
Given "John Doe" owns internal project "Internal"
And "John Doe" owns public project "Community"
And I sign in as "John Doe"
When I visit user "John Doe" page
Then I should see user "John Doe" page
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