BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit e8fcd464 by Annabel Dunstone

Check screen width before increasing max position

parent 65a175bb
......@@ -3,9 +3,7 @@ class @LayoutNav
$('#scrolling-tabs').on 'scroll', ->
currentPosition = $(this).scrollLeft()
return if currentPosition == 0
if $('.nav-control').length
maxPosition = $(this)[0].scrollWidth - $(this).parent().width() + 59
maxPosition = $(this)[0].scrollWidth - $(this).parent().width()
maxPosition = $(this)[0].scrollWidth - $(this).parent().width()
maxPosition += 59 if $('.nav-control').length and window.innerWidth > 480
$('.fade-out').toggleClass('end-scroll', currentPosition is maxPosition)
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