BigW Consortium Gitlab

Fix unescaped strings in the labels dropdown template

parent 998d4eb6
......@@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ class @LabelsSelect
if issueUpdateURL
labelHTMLTemplate = _.template(
'<% _.each(labels, function(label){ %>
<a href="<%- ["",issueURLSplit[1], issueURLSplit[2],""].join("/") %>issues?label_name[]=<%= encodeURIComponent(label.title) %>">
<a href="<%- ["",issueURLSplit[1], issueURLSplit[2],""].join("/") %>issues?label_name[]=<%- encodeURIComponent(label.title) %>">
<span class="label has-tooltip color-label" title="<%- label.description %>" style="background-color: <%- label.color %>; color: <%- label.text_color %>;">
<%= label.title %>
<%- label.title %>
<% }); %>'
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