BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit e1af42ce by Filipa Lacerda

Merge branch 'master' into 28248-use-page

* master: Renders pagination again for pipelines table Simplify Pages admin source docs Simplify Pages admin Omnibus docs Seed abuse reports Add active_when helper
parents 8a99cf20 b632bddd
......@@ -49,11 +49,14 @@ const CommitPipelinesStoreWithTimeAgo = require('../commit/pipelines/pipelines_s
* If no scope is provided, 'all' is assumed.
* Pagination component sends "null" when no scope is provided.
* @param {Number} pagenum
* @param {String} apiScope = 'all'
change(pagenum, apiScope = 'all') {
change(pagenum, apiScope) {
if (!apiScope) apiScope = 'all';
template: `
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
((gl) => {
const pageValues = (headers) => {
const normalized = gl.utils.normalizeHeaders(headers);
const paginationInfo = gl.utils.normalizeHeaders(normalized);
const paginationInfo = gl.utils.parseIntPagination(normalized);
return paginationInfo;
......@@ -296,4 +296,13 @@ module ApplicationHelper
def page_class
"issue-boards-page" if current_controller?(:boards)
# Returns active css class when condition returns true
# otherwise returns nil.
# Example:
# %li{ class: active_when(params[:filter] == '1') }
def active_when(condition)
'active' if condition
......@@ -8,15 +8,14 @@
%div{ class: container_class }
- loggers.each do |klass|
%li{ class: (klass == Gitlab::GitLogger ? 'active' : '') }>
%li{ class: active_when(klass == Gitlab::GitLogger) }>
= link_to klass::file_name, "##{klass::file_name_noext}",
'data-toggle' => 'tab'
To prevent performance issues admin logs output the last 2000 lines
- loggers.each do |klass|
.tab-pane{ class: (klass == Gitlab::GitLogger ? 'active' : ''),
id: klass::file_name_noext }
.tab-pane{ class: active_when(klass == Gitlab::GitLogger), id: klass::file_name_noext }
......@@ -48,13 +48,13 @@
= link_to admin_projects_path do
= nav_link(html_options: { class: params[:visibility_level] == Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PRIVATE.to_s ? 'active' : '' }) do
= nav_link(html_options: { class: active_when(params[:visibility_level] == Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PRIVATE.to_s) }) do
= link_to admin_projects_path(visibility_level: Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PRIVATE) do
= nav_link(html_options: { class: params[:visibility_level] == Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::INTERNAL.to_s ? 'active' : '' }) do
= nav_link(html_options: { class: active_when(params[:visibility_level] == Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::INTERNAL.to_s) }) do
= link_to admin_projects_path(visibility_level: Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::INTERNAL) do
= nav_link(html_options: { class: params[:visibility_level] == Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PUBLIC.to_s ? 'active' : '' }) do
= nav_link(html_options: { class: active_when(params[:visibility_level] == Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PUBLIC.to_s) }) do
= link_to admin_projects_path(visibility_level: Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PUBLIC) do
......@@ -38,31 +38,31 @@
= nav_link(html_options: { class: ('active' unless params[:filter]) }) do
= nav_link(html_options: { class: active_when(params[:filter].nil?) }) do
= link_to admin_users_path do
%small.badge= number_with_delimiter(
= nav_link(html_options: { class: ('active' if params[:filter] == 'admins') }) do
= nav_link(html_options: { class: active_when(params[:filter] == 'admins') }) do
= link_to admin_users_path(filter: "admins") do
%small.badge= number_with_delimiter(User.admins.count)
= nav_link(html_options: { class: "#{'active' if params[:filter] == 'two_factor_enabled'} filter-two-factor-enabled" }) do
= nav_link(html_options: { class: "#{active_when(params[:filter] == 'two_factor_enabled')} filter-two-factor-enabled" }) do
= link_to admin_users_path(filter: 'two_factor_enabled') do
2FA Enabled
%small.badge= number_with_delimiter(User.with_two_factor.count)
= nav_link(html_options: { class: "#{'active' if params[:filter] == 'two_factor_disabled'} filter-two-factor-disabled" }) do
= nav_link(html_options: { class: "#{active_when(params[:filter] == 'two_factor_disabled')} filter-two-factor-disabled" }) do
= link_to admin_users_path(filter: 'two_factor_disabled') do
2FA Disabled
%small.badge= number_with_delimiter(User.without_two_factor.count)
= nav_link(html_options: { class: ('active' if params[:filter] == 'external') }) do
= nav_link(html_options: { class: active_when(params[:filter] == 'external') }) do
= link_to admin_users_path(filter: 'external') do
%small.badge= number_with_delimiter(User.external.count)
= nav_link(html_options: { class: ('active' if params[:filter] == 'blocked') }) do
= nav_link(html_options: { class: active_when(params[:filter] == 'blocked') }) do
= link_to admin_users_path(filter: "blocked") do
%small.badge= number_with_delimiter(User.blocked.count)
= nav_link(html_options: { class: ('active' if params[:filter] == 'wop') }) do
= nav_link(html_options: { class: active_when(params[:filter] == 'wop') }) do
= link_to admin_users_path(filter: "wop") do
Without projects
%small.badge= number_with_delimiter(User.without_projects.count)
%li{ class: ("active" unless params[:filter]) }>
%li{ class: active_when(params[:filter].nil?) }>
= link_to activity_dashboard_path, class: 'shortcuts-activity', data: {placement: 'right'} do
Your Projects
%li{ class: ("active" if params[:filter] == 'starred') }>
%li{ class: active_when(params[:filter] == 'starred') }>
= link_to activity_dashboard_path(filter: 'starred'), data: {placement: 'right'} do
Starred Projects
......@@ -4,15 +4,13 @@
- if current_user.todos.any?
- todo_pending_active = ('active' if params[:state].blank? || params[:state] == 'pending')
%li{ class: "todos-pending #{todo_pending_active}" }>
%li.todos-pending{ class: active_when(params[:state].blank? || params[:state] == 'pending') }>
= link_to todos_filter_path(state: 'pending') do
To do
= number_with_delimiter(todos_pending_count)
- todo_done_active = ('active' if params[:state] == 'done')
%li{ class: "todos-done #{todo_done_active}" }>
%li.todos-done{ class: active_when(params[:state] == 'done') }>
= link_to todos_filter_path(state: 'done') do
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
= render 'devise/sessions/new_crowd'
- @ldap_servers.each_with_index do |server, i|{ id: "#{server['provider_name']}", role: 'tabpanel', class: (:active if && !crowd_enabled?) }{ id: "#{server['provider_name']}", role: 'tabpanel', class: active_when( && !crowd_enabled?) }
= render 'devise/sessions/new_ldap', server: server
- if signin_enabled?
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
= link_to "Crowd", "#crowd", 'data-toggle' => 'tab'
- @ldap_servers.each_with_index do |server, i|
%li{ class: (:active if && !crowd_enabled?) }
%li{ class: active_when( && !crowd_enabled?) }
= link_to server['label'], "##{server['provider_name']}", 'data-toggle' => 'tab'
- if signin_enabled?
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
= link_to filter_projects_path(visibility_level: nil) do
- Gitlab::VisibilityLevel.values.each do |level|
%li{ class: (level.to_s == params[:visibility_level]) ? 'active' : 'light' }
%li{ class: active_when(level.to_s == params[:visibility_level]) || 'light' }
= link_to filter_projects_path(visibility_level: level) do
= visibility_level_icon(level)
= visibility_level_label(level)
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
- @tags.each do |tag|
%li{ class: ( == params[:tag]) ? 'active' : 'light' }
%li{ class: active_when( == params[:tag]) || 'light' }
= link_to filter_projects_path(tag: do
= icon('tag')
......@@ -6,5 +6,5 @@
-# total_pages: total number of pages
-# per_page: number of items to fetch per page
-# remote: data-remote
%li{ class: "page#{' active' if page.current?}#{' sibling' if || page.prev?}" }{ class: [active_when(page.current?), ('sibling' if || page.prev?)] }
= link_to page, url, { remote: remote, rel: ? 'next' : page.prev? ? 'prev' : nil }
......@@ -5,23 +5,23 @@
%div{ class: container_class }
%li{ class: ('active' if @scope.nil?) }>
%li{ class: active_when(@scope.nil?) }>
= link_to project_pipelines_path(@project) do
= number_with_delimiter(@pipelines_count)
%li{ class: ('active' if @scope == 'running') }>
%li{ class: active_when(@scope == 'running') }>
= link_to project_pipelines_path(@project, scope: :running) do
= number_with_delimiter(@running_or_pending_count)
%li{ class: ('active' if @scope == 'branches') }>
%li{ class: active_when(@scope == 'branches') }>
= link_to project_pipelines_path(@project, scope: :branches) do
%li{ class: ('active' if @scope == 'tags') }>
%li{ class: active_when(@scope == 'tags') }>
= link_to project_pipelines_path(@project, scope: :tags) do
%li{ class: params[:id] == wiki_page.slug ? 'active' : '' }
%li{ class: active_when(params[:id] == wiki_page.slug) }
= link_to namespace_project_wiki_path(@project.namespace, @project, wiki_page) do
= wiki_page.title.capitalize
- if @project
%li{ class: ("active" if @scope == 'blobs') }
%li{ class: active_when(@scope == 'blobs') }
= link_to search_filter_path(scope: 'blobs') do
= @search_results.blobs_count
%li{ class: ("active" if @scope == 'issues') }
%li{ class: active_when(@scope == 'issues') }
= link_to search_filter_path(scope: 'issues') do
= @search_results.issues_count
%li{ class: ("active" if @scope == 'merge_requests') }
%li{ class: active_when(@scope == 'merge_requests') }
= link_to search_filter_path(scope: 'merge_requests') do
Merge requests
= @search_results.merge_requests_count
%li{ class: ("active" if @scope == 'milestones') }
%li{ class: active_when(@scope == 'milestones') }
= link_to search_filter_path(scope: 'milestones') do
= @search_results.milestones_count
%li{ class: ("active" if @scope == 'notes') }
%li{ class: active_when(@scope == 'notes') }
= link_to search_filter_path(scope: 'notes') do
= @search_results.notes_count
%li{ class: ("active" if @scope == 'wiki_blobs') }
%li{ class: active_when(@scope == 'wiki_blobs') }
= link_to search_filter_path(scope: 'wiki_blobs') do
= @search_results.wiki_blobs_count
%li{ class: ("active" if @scope == 'commits') }
%li{ class: active_when(@scope == 'commits') }
= link_to search_filter_path(scope: 'commits') do
= @search_results.commits_count
- elsif @show_snippets
%li{ class: ("active" if @scope == 'snippet_blobs') }
%li{ class: active_when(@scope == 'snippet_blobs') }
= link_to search_filter_path(scope: 'snippet_blobs', snippets: true, group_id: nil, project_id: nil) do
Snippet Contents
= @search_results.snippet_blobs_count
%li{ class: ("active" if @scope == 'snippet_titles') }
%li{ class: active_when(@scope == 'snippet_titles') }
= link_to search_filter_path(scope: 'snippet_titles', snippets: true, group_id: nil, project_id: nil) do
Titles and Filenames
= @search_results.snippet_titles_count
- else
%li{ class: ("active" if @scope == 'projects') }
%li{ class: active_when(@scope == 'projects') }
= link_to search_filter_path(scope: 'projects') do
= @search_results.projects_count
%li{ class: ("active" if @scope == 'issues') }
%li{ class: active_when(@scope == 'issues') }
= link_to search_filter_path(scope: 'issues') do
= @search_results.issues_count
%li{ class: ("active" if @scope == 'merge_requests') }
%li{ class: active_when(@scope == 'merge_requests') }
= link_to search_filter_path(scope: 'merge_requests') do
Merge requests
= @search_results.merge_requests_count
%li{ class: ("active" if @scope == 'milestones') }
%li{ class: active_when(@scope == 'milestones') }
= link_to search_filter_path(scope: 'milestones') do
%li{ class: ('active' if scope.nil?) }>
%li{ class: active_when(scope.nil?) }>
= link_to do
= number_with_delimiter(all_builds.count(:id))
%li{ class: ('active' if scope == 'pending') }>
%li{ class: active_when(scope == 'pending') }>
= link_to'pending') do
= number_with_delimiter(all_builds.pending.count(:id))
%li{ class: ('active' if scope == 'running') }>
%li{ class: active_when(scope == 'running') }>
= link_to'running') do
= number_with_delimiter(all_builds.running.count(:id))
%li{ class: ('active' if scope == 'finished') }>
%li{ class: active_when(scope == 'finished') }>
= link_to'finished') do
......@@ -3,23 +3,23 @@
- issuables = @issues || @merge_requests
%li{ class: ("active" if params[:state] == 'opened') }>
%li{ class: active_when(params[:state] == 'opened') }>
= link_to page_filter_path(state: 'opened', label: true), id: 'state-opened', title: "Filter by #{page_context_word} that are currently opened." do
#{issuables_state_counter_text(type, :opened)}
- if type == :merge_requests
%li{ class: ("active" if params[:state] == 'merged') }>
%li{ class: active_when(params[:state] == 'merged') }>
= link_to page_filter_path(state: 'merged', label: true), id: 'state-merged', title: 'Filter by merge requests that are currently merged.' do
#{issuables_state_counter_text(type, :merged)}
%li{ class: ("active" if params[:state] == 'closed') }>
%li{ class: active_when(params[:state] == 'closed') }>
= link_to page_filter_path(state: 'closed', label: true), id: 'state-closed', title: 'Filter by merge requests that are currently closed and unmerged.' do
#{issuables_state_counter_text(type, :closed)}
- else
%li{ class: ("active" if params[:state] == 'closed') }>
%li{ class: active_when(params[:state] == 'closed') }>
= link_to page_filter_path(state: 'closed', label: true), id: 'state-all', title: 'Filter by issues that are currently closed.' do
#{issuables_state_counter_text(type, :closed)}
%li{ class: ("active" if params[:state] == 'all') }>
%li{ class: active_when(params[:state] == 'all') }>
= link_to page_filter_path(state: 'all', label: true), id: 'state-all', title: "Show all #{page_context_word}." do
#{issuables_state_counter_text(type, :all)}
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- include_private = local_assigns.fetch(:include_private, false)
%li{ class: ("active" unless params[:scope]) }
%li{ class: active_when(params[:scope].nil?) }
= link_to subject_snippets_path(subject) do
......@@ -12,19 +12,19 @@
= subject.snippets.public_and_internal.count
- if include_private
%li{ class: ("active" if params[:scope] == "are_private") }
%li{ class: active_when(params[:scope] == "are_private") }
= link_to subject_snippets_path(subject, scope: 'are_private') do
= subject.snippets.are_private.count
%li{ class: ("active" if params[:scope] == "are_internal") }
%li{ class: active_when(params[:scope] == "are_internal") }
= link_to subject_snippets_path(subject, scope: 'are_internal') do
= subject.snippets.are_internal.count
%li{ class: ("active" if params[:scope] == "are_public") }
%li{ class: active_when(params[:scope] == "are_public") }
= link_to subject_snippets_path(subject, scope: 'are_public') do
title: Seed abuse reports for development
require 'factory_girl_rails'
(AbuseReport.default_per_page + 3).times do
# GitLab Pages Administration
# GitLab Pages administration
> **Notes:**
- [Introduced][ee-80] in GitLab EE 8.3.
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
- GitLab Pages [were ported][ce-14605] to Community Edition in GitLab 8.17.
- This guide is for Omnibus GitLab installations. If you have installed
GitLab from source, follow the [Pages source installation document](
- To learn how to use GitLab Pages, read the [user documentation][pages-userguide].
......@@ -14,9 +15,6 @@ sure to read the [changelog](#changelog) if you are upgrading to a new GitLab
version as it may include new features and changes needed to be made in your
If you are looking for ways to upload your static content in GitLab Pages, you
probably want to read the [user documentation][pages-userguide].
## Overview
GitLab Pages makes use of the [GitLab Pages daemon], a simple HTTP server
......@@ -32,7 +30,7 @@ In the case of custom domains, the Pages daemon needs to listen on ports `80`
and/or `443`. For that reason, there is some flexibility in the way which you
can set it up:
1. Run the pages daemon in the same server as GitLab, listening on a secondary IP
1. Run the pages daemon in the same server as GitLab, listening on a secondary IP.
1. Run the pages daemon in a separate server. In that case, the
[Pages path](#change-storage-path) must also be present in the server that
the pages daemon is installed, so you will have to share it via network.
......@@ -64,11 +62,11 @@ you need to add a [wildcard DNS A record][wiki-wildcard-dns] pointing to the
host that GitLab runs. For example, an entry would look like this:
* 1800 IN A
* 1800 IN A
where `` is the domain under which GitLab Pages will be served
and `` is the IP address of your GitLab instance.
and `` is the IP address of your GitLab instance.
> **Note:**
You should not use the GitLab domain to serve user pages. For more information
......@@ -78,101 +76,126 @@ see the [security section](#security).
## Configuration
Depending on your needs, you can install GitLab Pages in four different ways.
Depending on your needs, you can set up GitLab Pages in 4 different ways.
The following options are listed from the easiest setup to the most
advanced one. The absolute minimum requirement is to set up the wildcard DNS
since that is needed in all configurations.
### Option 1. Custom domains with HTTPS support
### Wildcard domains
| URL scheme | Wildcard certificate | Custom domain with HTTP support | Custom domain with HTTPS support | Secondary IP |
| --- |:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|
| `` and `` | yes | redirects to HTTPS | yes | yes |
- [Wildcard DNS setup](#dns-configuration)
URL scheme: ``
Pages enabled, daemon is enabled AND pages has external IP support enabled.
In that case, the pages daemon is running, NGINX still proxies requests to
the daemon but the daemon is also able to receive requests from the outside
world. Custom domains and TLS are supported.
This is the minimum setup that you can use Pages with. It is the base for all
other setups as described below. Nginx will proxy all requests to the daemon.
The Pages daemon doesn't listen to the outside world.
1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`:
1. Set the external URL for GitLab Pages in `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`:
pages_external_url ""
nginx['listen_addresses'] = ['']
pages_nginx['enable'] = false
gitlab_pages['cert'] = "/etc/gitlab/ssl/"
gitlab_pages['cert_key'] = "/etc/gitlab/ssl/"
gitlab_pages['external_http'] = ''
gitlab_pages['external_https'] = ''
pages_external_url ''
where `` is the primary IP address that GitLab is listening to and
`` the secondary IP where the GitLab Pages daemon listens to.
1. [Reconfigure GitLab][reconfigure]
### Option 2. Custom domains without HTTPS support
### Wildcard domains with TLS support
| URL scheme | Wildcard certificate | Custom domain with HTTP support | Custom domain with HTTPS support | Secondary IP |
| --- |:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|
| `` and `` | no | yes | no | yes |
- [Wildcard DNS setup](#dns-configuration)
- Wildcard TLS certificate
URL scheme: ``
Pages enabled, daemon is enabled AND pages has external IP support enabled.
In that case, the pages daemon is running, NGINX still proxies requests to
the daemon but the daemon is also able to receive requests from the outside
world. Custom domains and TLS are supported.
Nginx will proxy all requests to the daemon. Pages daemon doesn't listen to the
outside world.
1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`:
1. Place the certificate and key inside `/etc/gitlab/ssl`
1. In `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` specify the following configuration:
pages_external_url ""
nginx['listen_addresses'] = ['']
pages_nginx['enable'] = false
gitlab_pages['external_http'] = ''
pages_external_url ''
pages_nginx['redirect_http_to_https'] = true
pages_nginx['ssl_certificate'] = "/etc/gitlab/ssl/pages-nginx.crt"
pages_nginx['ssl_certificate_key'] = "/etc/gitlab/ssl/pages-nginx.key"
where `` is the primary IP address that GitLab is listening to and
`` the secondary IP where the GitLab Pages daemon listens to.
where `pages-nginx.crt` and `pages-nginx.key` are the SSL cert and key,
1. [Reconfigure GitLab][reconfigure]
### Option 3. Wildcard HTTPS domain without custom domains
## Advanced configuration
| URL scheme | Wildcard certificate | Custom domain with HTTP support | Custom domain with HTTPS support | Secondary IP |
| --- |:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|
| `` | yes | no | no | no |
In addition to the wildcard domains, you can also have the option to configure
GitLab Pages to work with custom domains. Again, there are two options here:
support custom domains with and without TLS certificates. The easiest setup is
that without TLS certificates.
Pages enabled, daemon is enabled and NGINX will proxy all requests to the
daemon. Pages daemon doesn't listen to the outside world.
### Custom domains
1. Place the certificate and key inside `/etc/gitlab/ssl`
1. In `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` specify the following configuration:
- [Wildcard DNS setup](#dns-configuration)
- Secondary IP
URL scheme: `` and ``
pages_external_url ''
In that case, the pages daemon is running, Nginx still proxies requests to
the daemon but the daemon is also able to receive requests from the outside
world. Custom domains are supported, but no TLS.
pages_nginx['redirect_http_to_https'] = true
pages_nginx['ssl_certificate'] = "/etc/gitlab/ssl/pages-nginx.crt"
pages_nginx['ssl_certificate_key'] = "/etc/gitlab/ssl/pages-nginx.key"
1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`:
pages_external_url ""
nginx['listen_addresses'] = ['']
pages_nginx['enable'] = false
gitlab_pages['external_http'] = ''
where `pages-nginx.crt` and `pages-nginx.key` are the SSL cert and key,
where `` is the primary IP address that GitLab is listening to and
`` the secondary IP where the GitLab Pages daemon listens to.
1. [Reconfigure GitLab][reconfigure]
### Option 4. Wildcard HTTP domain without custom domains
### Custom domains with TLS support
| URL scheme | Wildcard certificate | Custom domain with HTTP support | Custom domain with HTTPS support | Secondary IP |
| --- |:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|
| `` | no | no | no | no |
- [Wildcard DNS setup](#dns-configuration)
- Wildcard TLS certificate
- Secondary IP
URL scheme: `` and ``
Pages enabled, daemon is enabled and NGINX will proxy all requests to the
daemon. Pages daemon doesn't listen to the outside world.
In that case, the pages daemon is running, Nginx still proxies requests to
the daemon but the daemon is also able to receive requests from the outside
world. Custom domains and TLS are supported.
1. Set the external URL for GitLab Pages in `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`:
1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`:
pages_external_url ''
pages_external_url ""
nginx['listen_addresses'] = ['']
pages_nginx['enable'] = false
gitlab_pages['cert'] = "/etc/gitlab/ssl/"
gitlab_pages['cert_key'] = "/etc/gitlab/ssl/"
gitlab_pages['external_http'] = ''
gitlab_pages['external_https'] = ''
where `` is the primary IP address that GitLab is listening to and
`` the secondary IP where the GitLab Pages daemon listens to.
1. [Reconfigure GitLab][reconfigure]
## Change storage path
......@@ -265,4 +265,9 @@ describe ApplicationHelper do
expect(helper.render_markup('foo.adoc', content)).to eq('NOEL')
describe '#active_when' do
it { expect(helper.active_when(true)).to eq('active') }
it { expect(helper.active_when(false)).to eq(nil) }
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