BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit e148f1f9 by Tim Zallmann Committed by Phil Hughes

Resolve "Convert fuzzaldrin-plus.js library to be a Yarn managed library"

parent 01340794
/* eslint-disable func-names, no-underscore-dangle, space-before-function-paren, no-var, one-var, one-var-declaration-per-line, prefer-rest-params, max-len, vars-on-top, wrap-iife, no-unused-vars, quotes, no-shadow, no-cond-assign, prefer-arrow-callback, no-return-assign, no-else-return, camelcase, comma-dangle, no-lonely-if, guard-for-in, no-restricted-syntax, consistent-return, prefer-template, no-param-reassign, no-loop-func, no-mixed-operators */
/* global fuzzaldrinPlus */
import _ from 'underscore';
import fuzzaldrinPlus from 'fuzzaldrin-plus';
import { isObject } from './lib/utils/type_utility';
var GitLabDropdown, GitLabDropdownFilter, GitLabDropdownRemote, GitLabDropdownInput;
......@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import svg4everybody from 'svg4everybody';
// libraries with import side-effects
import 'mousetrap';
import 'mousetrap/plugins/pause/mousetrap-pause';
import 'vendor/fuzzaldrin-plus';
// expose common libraries as globals (TODO: remove these)
window.jQuery = jQuery;
/* eslint-disable func-names, space-before-function-paren, no-var, prefer-rest-params, wrap-iife, quotes, consistent-return, one-var, one-var-declaration-per-line, no-cond-assign, max-len, object-shorthand, no-param-reassign, comma-dangle, prefer-template, no-unused-vars, no-return-assign */
/* global fuzzaldrinPlus */
import fuzzaldrinPlus from 'fuzzaldrin-plus';
(function() {
this.ProjectFindFile = (function() {
......@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
"eslint-plugin-html": "^2.0.1",
"exports-loader": "^0.6.4",
"file-loader": "^0.11.1",
"fuzzaldrin-plus": "^0.5.0",
"imports-loader": "^0.7.1",
"jed": "^1.1.1",
"jquery": "^2.2.1",
......@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
import '~/gl_dropdown';
import '~/search_autocomplete';
import '~/lib/utils/common_utils';
import 'vendor/fuzzaldrin-plus';
(function() {
var assertLinks, dashboardIssuesPath, dashboardMRsPath, groupIssuesPath, groupMRsPath, groupName, mockDashboardOptions, mockGroupOptions, mockProjectOptions, projectIssuesPath, projectMRsPath, projectName, userId, widget;
......@@ -2675,6 +2675,10 @@ function-bind@^1.1.1, function-bind@~1.1.0:
version "1.1.1"
resolved ""
version "0.5.0"
resolved ""
version "2.7.4"
resolved ""
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