BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit e07da598 by Dmitriy Zaporozhets

SEtup new routes for creating and changing repository files

parent 59b08942
......@@ -211,17 +211,20 @@ Gitlab::Application.routes.draw do
scope module: :projects do
# Blob routes:
get '/new/:id', to: 'blob#new', constraints: {id: /.+/}, as: 'new_blob'
post '/create/:id', to: 'blob#create', constraints: {id: /.+/}, as: 'create_blob'
get '/edit/:id', to: 'blob#edit', constraints: {id: /.+/}, as: 'edit_blob'
put '/update/:id', to: 'blob#update', constraints: {id: /.+/}, as: 'update_blob'
post '/preview/:id', to: 'blob#preview', constraints: {id: /.+/}, as: 'preview_blob'
resources :blob, only: [:show, :destroy], constraints: { id: /.+/, format: false } do
get :diff, on: :member
resources :raw, only: [:show], constraints: {id: /.+/}
resources :tree, only: [:show], constraints: {id: /.+/, format: /(html|js)/ }
resources :edit_tree, only: [:show, :update], constraints: { id: /.+/ }, path: 'edit' do
# Cannot be GET to differentiate from GET paths that end in preview.
post :preview, on: :member
resource :avatar, only: [:show, :destroy]
resources :new_tree, only: [:show, :update], constraints: {id: /.+/}, path: 'new'
resources :commit, only: [:show], constraints: {id: /[[:alnum:]]{6,40}/}
resources :commits, only: [:show], constraints: {id: /(?:[^.]|\.(?!atom$))+/, format: /atom/}
resources :compare, only: [:index, :create]
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