BigW Consortium Gitlab

Fix specs

parent 298d05a5
......@@ -37,10 +37,10 @@ Feature: Project Services
And I fill Assembla settings
Then I should see Assembla service settings saved
Scenario: Activate Slack service
Scenario: Activate Slack notifications service
When I visit project "Shop" services page
And I click Slack Notifications service link
And I fill Slack Notifications settings
And I click Slack notifications service link
And I fill Slack notifications settings
Then I should see Slack Notifications service settings saved
Scenario: Activate Pushover service
......@@ -137,11 +137,11 @@ class Spinach::Features::ProjectServices < Spinach::FeatureSteps
expect(find_field('Colorize messages').value).to eq '1'
step 'I click Slack Notifications service link' do
click_link 'Slack Notifications'
step 'I click Slack notifications service link' do
click_link 'Slack notifications'
step 'I fill Slack Notifications settings' do
step 'I fill Slack notifications settings' do
check 'Active'
fill_in 'Webhook', with: ''
click_button 'Save'
......@@ -12,37 +12,29 @@ feature 'Slack slash commands', feature: true do
scenario 'user visits the slack slash command config page', js: true do
it 'shows a help message' do
visit edit_namespace_project_service_path(project.namespace, project, service)
scenario 'user visits the slack slash command config page and shows a help message', js: true do
visit edit_namespace_project_service_path(project.namespace, project, service)
expect(page).to have_content('This service allows GitLab users to perform common')
expect(page).to have_content('This service allows GitLab users to perform common')
scenario 'saving a token' do
given(:token) { ('a'..'z').to_a.join }
scenario 'shows the token after saving' do
visit edit_namespace_project_service_path(project.namespace, project, service)
it 'shows the token after saving' do
visit edit_namespace_project_service_path(project.namespace, project, service)
fill_in 'service_token', with: 'token'
click_on 'Save'
fill_in 'service_token', with: token
click_on 'Save'
value = find_field('service_token').value
value = find_field('service_token').value
expect(value).to eq(token)
expect(value).to eq('token')
scenario 'the trigger url' do
it 'shows the correct url' do
visit edit_namespace_project_service_path(project.namespace, project, service)
scenario 'shows the correct trigger url' do
visit edit_namespace_project_service_path(project.namespace, project, service)
value = find_field('url').value
expect(value).to match("api/v3/projects/#{}/services/slack_slash_commands/trigger")
value = find_field('url').value
expect(value).to match("api/v3/projects/#{}/services/slack_slash_commands/trigger")
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