BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit e063c8f3 by Dmitriy Zaporozhets

Merge branch 'trigger_hooks_create_on_backup_restore' into 'master'

Trigger hooks create on backup restore Number of users migrating from installation from source to omnibus get this issue. This can be fixed with a bash one liner but we already have a script that creates hooks in gitlab-shell. Added to gitlab:shell:install task call to `bin/create-hooks`. This script is idempotent which means it will only rewrite hooks if something changed. Fixes, and for the most part See merge request !762
parents 971e57cf 7af2fbba
......@@ -38,12 +38,13 @@ v 7.12.0 (unreleased)
- User should be able to leave group. If not - show him proper message
- User has ability to leave project
- Add SAML support as an omniauth provider
- Allow to configure a URL to show after sign out
- Allow to configure a URL to show after sign out
- Add an option to automatically sign-in with an Omniauth provider
- Better performance for web editor (switched from satellites to rugged)
- GitLab CI service sends .gitlab-ci.yaml in each push call
- When remove project - move repository and schedule it removal
- Improve group removing logic
- Trigger create-hooks on backup restore task
v 7.11.4
- Fix missing bullets when creating lists
......@@ -59,6 +59,9 @@ namespace :gitlab do
# Launch installation process
# (Re)create hooks
# Required for debian packaging with PKGR: Setup .ssh/environment with
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