BigW Consortium Gitlab

Improve AutolinkFilter#text_parse performance

By using clever XPath queries we can quite significantly improve the performance of this method. The actual improvement depends a bit on the amount of links used but in my tests the new implementation is usually around 8 times faster than the old one. This was measured using the following benchmark: require 'benchmark/ips' text = '<p>' +"string_agg(note, '') AS note").limit(50).take[:note] + '</p>' document = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(text) filter =, autolink: true) puts "Input size: #{(text.bytesize.to_f / 1024 / 1024).round(2)} MB" filter.rinku_parse Benchmark.ips(time: 15) do |bench| 'text_parse' do filter.text_parse end 'text_parse_fast' do filter.text_parse_fast end! end Here the "text_parse_fast" method is the new implementation and "text_parse" the old one. The input size was around 180 MB. Running this benchmark outputs the following: Input size: 181.16 MB Calculating ------------------------------------- text_parse 1.000 i/100ms text_parse_fast 9.000 i/100ms ------------------------------------------------- text_parse 13.021 (±15.4%) i/s - 188.000 text_parse_fast 112.741 (± 3.5%) i/s - 1.692k Comparison: text_parse_fast: 112.7 i/s text_parse: 13.0 i/s - 8.66x slower Again the production timings may (and most likely will) vary depending on the input being processed.
parent 73772eca
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ v 8.11.0 (unreleased)
- Add support for using RequestStore within Sidekiq tasks via SIDEKIQ_REQUEST_STORE env variable
- Optimize maximum user access level lookup in loading of notes
- Add "No one can push" as an option for protected branches. !5081
- Improve performance of AutolinkFilter#text_parse by using XPath
- Environments have an url to link to
- Limit git rev-list output count to one in forced push check
- Clean up unused routes (Josef Strzibny)
......@@ -31,6 +31,14 @@ module Banzai
# Text matching LINK_PATTERN inside these elements will not be linked
IGNORE_PARENTS = %w(a code kbd pre script style).to_set
# The XPath query to use for finding text nodes to parse.
TEXT_QUERY = %Q(descendant-or-self::text()[
not(#{ { |p| "ancestor::#{p}" }.join(' or ')})
and contains(., '://')
and not(starts-with(., 'http'))
and not(starts-with(., 'ftp'))
def call
return doc if context[:autolink] == false
......@@ -66,16 +74,11 @@ module Banzai
# Autolinks any text matching LINK_PATTERN that Rinku didn't already
# replace
def text_parse
search_text_nodes(doc).each do |node|
doc.xpath(TEXT_QUERY).each do |node|
content = node.to_html
next if has_ancestor?(node, IGNORE_PARENTS)
next unless content.match(LINK_PATTERN)
# If Rinku didn't link this, there's probably a good reason, so we'll
# skip it too
next if content.start_with?(*%w(http https ftp))
html = autolink_filter(content)
next if html == content
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