BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit db1925f9 by Sean McGivern

Improve output for extra queries in specs

Previously, this used `Array#-`, which would remove all queries that matches the query text in the original set. However, sometimes we have a problem with parameterised queries, where the query text is identical both times, so we'd run a query N times instead of once, and it would be hidden from the output. Replace the logic to only remove a given query N times from the actual log, where N is the number of times it appears in the expected log.
parent 0efa7e24
......@@ -172,15 +172,15 @@ describe API::MergeRequests do
context "when authenticated" do
it 'avoids N+1 queries' do
control_count = do
control = do
get api("/projects/#{}/merge_requests", user)
create(:merge_request, state: 'closed', milestone: milestone1, author: user, assignee: user, source_project: project, target_project: project, title: "Test", created_at: base_time)
expect do
get api("/projects/#{}/merge_requests", user)
end.not_to exceed_query_limit(control_count)
end.not_to exceed_query_limit(control)
it "returns an array of all merge_requests" do
......@@ -69,10 +69,17 @@ RSpec::Matchers.define :exceed_query_limit do |expected|
def count_queries(queries)
queries.each_with_object( { |query, counts| counts[query] += 1 }
def log_message
if expected.is_a?(ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder)
extra_queries = (expected.log - @recorder.log).join("\n\n")
"Extra queries: \n\n #{extra_queries}"
counts = count_queries(expected.log)
extra_queries = @recorder.log.reject { |query| counts[query] -= 1 unless counts[query].zero? }
extra_queries_display = count_queries(extra_queries).map { |query, count| "[#{count}] #{query}" }
(['Extra queries:'] + extra_queries_display).join("\n\n")
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