BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit dadf6daa by Dmitriy Zaporozhets

Merge branch 'disable-issue-autofill' into 'master'

Turned off autocomplete for new issue titles See merge request !1271
parents 32208c50 def939a5
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
= f.label :title, class: 'control-label' do
%strong= 'Title *'
= f.text_field :title, maxlength: 255, autofocus: true,
= f.text_field :title, maxlength: 255, autofocus: true, autocomplete: 'off',
class: 'form-control pad js-gfm-input', required: true
- if issuable.is_a?(MergeRequest)
Markdown is supported
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