BigW Consortium Gitlab

Fix rake test to import Github repositories

parent fd16c892
......@@ -48,9 +48,16 @@ class NewImporter < ::Gitlab::GithubImport::Importer
raise 'Blocked import URL.' if Gitlab::UrlBlocker.blocked_url?(project.import_url)
gitlab_shell.import_repository(project.repository_storage_path, project.path_with_namespace, project.import_url)
project.repository.add_remote(project.import_type, project.import_url)
project.repository.fetch_remote(project.import_type, forced: true)
rescue => e
project.repository.before_import if project.repository_exists?
# Expire cache to prevent scenarios such as:
# 1. First import failed, but the repo was imported successfully, so +exists?+ returns true
# 2. Retried import, repo is broken or not imported but +exists?+ still returns true
project.repository.expire_content_cache if project.repository_exists?
raise "Error importing repository #{project.import_url} into #{project.path_with_namespace} - #{e.message}"
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