BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit d3db4e04 by Douwe Maan Committed by Lin Jen-Shin

Merge branch 'fix-follow-with-multiple-paths' into 'master'

Fix following with multiple paths Closes gitlab-ee#2175 See merge request !10737
parent 3da00dc0
......@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ class Repository
offset: offset,
after: after,
before: before,
follow: path.present?,
follow: Array(path).length == 1,
skip_merges: skip_merges
......@@ -171,6 +171,27 @@ describe Repository, models: true do
describe '#commits' do
it 'sets follow when path is a single path' do
expect(Gitlab::Git::Commit).to receive(:where).with(a_hash_including(follow: true)).and_call_original.twice
repository.commits('master', path: '')
repository.commits('master', path: [''])
it 'does not set follow when path is multiple paths' do
expect(Gitlab::Git::Commit).to receive(:where).with(a_hash_including(follow: false)).and_call_original
repository.commits('master', path: ['', 'CHANGELOG'])
it 'does not set follow when there are no paths' do
expect(Gitlab::Git::Commit).to receive(:where).with(a_hash_including(follow: false)).and_call_original
describe '#find_commits_by_message' do
it 'returns commits with messages containing a given string' do
commit_ids = repository.find_commits_by_message('submodule').map(&:id)
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