BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit ceac0ae6 by Phil Hughes

Merge branch '41117-empty-state' into 'master'

Only render signout screen when user is signed out Closes #41117 and #39843 See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab-ce!15935
parents c9041508 e4b72248
......@@ -8,16 +8,17 @@
= image_tag 'illustrations/issues.svg'
- if has_button && current_user
- if current_user
= _("The Issue Tracker is the place to add things that need to be improved or solved in a project")
= _("Issues can be bugs, tasks or ideas to be discussed. Also, issues are searchable and filterable.")
- if project_select_button
= render 'shared/new_project_item_select', path: 'issues/new', label: 'New issue', type: :issues
- else
= link_to 'New issue', button_path, class: 'btn btn-success', title: 'New issue', id: 'new_issue_link'
- if has_button
- if project_select_button
= render 'shared/new_project_item_select', path: 'issues/new', label: 'New issue', type: :issues
- else
= link_to 'New issue', button_path, class: 'btn btn-success', title: 'New issue', id: 'new_issue_link'
- else
%h4.text-center= _("There are no issues to show")
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