BigW Consortium Gitlab

Fixed empty editors in the IDE

Closes #46153
parent 9a54cb36
......@@ -14,12 +14,12 @@ export default class Model {
(this.originalModel = this.monaco.editor.createModel(
head ? head.content : this.file.raw,
new this.monaco.Uri(null, null, `original/${this.file.key}`),
new this.monaco.Uri(null, null, `original/${this.path}`),
(this.model = this.monaco.editor.createModel(
new this.monaco.Uri(null, null, this.file.key),
new this.monaco.Uri(null, null, this.path),
if (this.file.mrChange) {
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ export default class Model {
(this.baseModel = this.monaco.editor.createModel(
new this.monaco.Uri(null, null, `target/${this.file.path}`),
new this.monaco.Uri(null, null, `target/${this.path}`),
......@@ -196,6 +196,8 @@ export const unstageChange = ({ commit }, path) => {
export const openPendingTab = ({ commit, getters, dispatch, state }, { file, keyPrefix }) => {
if (getters.activeFile && getters.activeFile.key === `${keyPrefix}-${file.key}`) return false;
state.openFiles.forEach(f => eventHub.$emit(`editor.update.model.dispose.${f.key}`));
commit(types.ADD_PENDING_TAB, { file, keyPrefix });
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