BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit cae03f8b by Phil Hughes

Custom ID & toggle class on dropdown

parent 44075329
module DropdownsHelper
def dropdown_tag(toggle_text, title: false, filter: false, placeholder: "", &block)
def dropdown_tag(toggle_text, id: nil, toggle_class: nil, title: false, filter: false, placeholder: "", &block)
content_tag :div, class: "dropdown" do
dropdown_output = ""
dropdown_output += content_tag :button, class: "dropdown-menu-toggle", type: "button", data: {toggle: "dropdown"} do
dropdown_output += content_tag :button, class: "dropdown-menu-toggle #{toggle_class}", id: id, type: "button", data: {toggle: "dropdown"} do
output = toggle_text
output << icon('chevron-down')
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