BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit c5cd3114 by haseeb

button type and i18n support

parent 768c4c7a
......@@ -33,18 +33,18 @@
%button.btn.embed-toggle{ 'data-toggle': 'dropdown' }
%span#embed-action Embed
%button.btn.embed-toggle{ 'data-toggle': 'dropdown', type: 'button' }
%span#embed-action= _("Embed")
= sprite_icon('angle-down', size: 12)
%li{ href: "#" }
%strong.embed-toggle-list-item Embed{ type: 'button' }
%strong.embed-toggle-list-item= _("Embed")
%button#share-btn.btn.btn-transparent{ href: "#" }
%strong.embed-toggle-list-item Share
%button#share-btn.btn.btn-transparent{ type: 'button' }
%strong.embed-toggle-list-item= _("Share")
%input#snippet-url-area.snippet-embed-input.form-control{ type: "text", autocomplete: 'off', value: snippet_embed }
%button#clipboard-btn.btn.btn-default{ title: "Copy to clipboard", data: { toggle: "tooltip", placement: "bottom", title: "Copy source to clipboard", container: "body", clipboard_target: '#snippet-url-area' } }
%button#clipboard-btn.btn.btn-default{ title: "Copy to clipboard", type: "button", data: { toggle: "tooltip", placement: "bottom", title: "Copy source to clipboard", container: "body", clipboard_target: '#snippet-url-area' } }
= sprite_icon('duplicate', size: 16)
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