BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit c31d777c by Rémy Coutable

Revert changes to how the notes are paginated in the API

parent 3183092c
......@@ -22,11 +22,17 @@ module API
@noteable = user_project.send(:"#{noteables_str}").find(params[:"#{noteable_id_str}"])
# We exclude notes that are cross-references and that cannot be viewed
# by the current user.
# by the current user. By doing this exclusion at this level and not
# at the DB query level (which we cannot in that case), the current
# page can have less elements than :per_page even if
# there's more than one page.
notes =
# paginate() only works with a relation. This could lead to a
# mismatch between the pagination headers info and the actual notes
# array returned, but this is really a edge-case.
reject { |n| n.cross_reference_not_visible_for?(current_user) }
present paginate(Kaminari.paginate_array(notes)), with: Entities::Note
present notes, with: Entities::Note
# Get a single +noteable+ note
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