BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit c1e2b02e by Fatih Acet Committed by Z.J. van de Weg

Added tests for award emoji feature.

parent 63a54021
...@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ class @AwardsHandler ...@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ class @AwardsHandler
getAwardTooltip: ($awardBlock) -> getAwardTooltip: ($awardBlock) ->
return $awardBlock.attr('data-original-title') or $awardBlock.attr('data-title') return $awardBlock.attr('data-original-title') or $awardBlock.attr('data-title') or ''
removeMeFromUserList: ($emojiButton, emoji) -> removeMeFromUserList: ($emojiButton, emoji) ->
...@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ class @AwardsHandler ...@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ class @AwardsHandler
.attr 'data-original-title', newAuthors .attr 'data-original-title', newAuthors
.attr 'data-title', newAuthors .attr 'data-title', newAuthors
@resetTooltip(awardBlock) @resetTooltip awardBlock
addMeToUserList: (votesBlock, emoji) -> addMeToUserList: (votesBlock, emoji) ->
...@@ -232,21 +232,21 @@ class @AwardsHandler ...@@ -232,21 +232,21 @@ class @AwardsHandler
users = [] users = []
if origTitle if origTitle
users = origTitle.trim().split(', ') users = origTitle.trim().split ', '
users.push('me') users.push 'me'
awardBlock.attr('title', users.join(', ')) awardBlock.attr 'title', users.join ', '
@resetTooltip(awardBlock) @resetTooltip awardBlock
resetTooltip: (award) -> resetTooltip: (award) ->
award.tooltip 'destroy'
# 'destroy' call is asynchronous and there is no appropriate callback on it, this is why we need to set timeout. # 'destroy' call is asynchronous and there is no appropriate callback on it, this is why we need to set timeout.
setTimeout (-> cb = -> award.tooltip()
award.tooltip() setTimeout cb, 200
), 200
createEmoji_: (votesBlock, emoji) -> createEmoji_: (votesBlock, emoji) ->
...@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ ul.notes { ...@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ ul.notes {
.note-awards { .note-awards {
.js-awards-block { .js-awards-block {
padding: 2px 0; padding: 2px;
margin-top: 10px; margin-top: 10px;
} }
#= require awards_handler
#= require jquery
#= require jquery.cookie
#= require ./fixtures/emoji_menu
awardsHandler = null or= {} = '/emojis'
window.emojiAliases = -> return { '+1': 'thumbsup', '-1': 'thumbsdown' }
lazyAssert = (done, assertFn) ->
setTimeout -> # Maybe jasmine.clock here?
, 333
describe 'AwardsHandler', ->
fixture.preload 'awards_handler.html'
beforeEach ->
fixture.load 'awards_handler.html'
awardsHandler = new AwardsHandler
spyOn(awardsHandler, 'postEmoji').and.callFake (url, emoji, cb) => cb()
spyOn(jQuery, 'get').and.callFake (req, cb) ->
expect(req).toBe '/emojis'
cb window.emojiMenu
describe '::showEmojiMenu', ->
it 'should show emoji menu when Add emoji button clicked', (done) ->
lazyAssert done, ->
$emojiMenu = $ '.emoji-menu'
expect($emojiMenu.length).toBe 1
expect($emojiMenu.hasClass('is-visible')).toBe yes
expect($emojiMenu.find('#emoji_search').length).toBe 1
expect($('.js-awards-block.current').length).toBe 1
it 'should also show emoji menu for the smiley icon in notes', (done) ->
lazyAssert done, ->
$emojiMenu = $ '.emoji-menu'
expect($emojiMenu.length).toBe 1
it 'should remove emoji menu when body is clicked', (done) ->
lazyAssert done, ->
$emojiMenu = $('.emoji-menu')
expect($emojiMenu.length).toBe 1
expect($emojiMenu.hasClass('is-visible')).toBe no
expect($('.js-awards-block.current').length).toBe 0
describe '::addAwardToEmojiBar', ->
it 'should add emoji to votes block', ->
$votesBlock = $('.js-awards-block').eq 0
awardsHandler.addAwardToEmojiBar $votesBlock, 'heart', no
$emojiButton = $votesBlock.find '[data-emoji=heart]'
expect($emojiButton.length).toBe 1
expect($'.js-counter').text()).toBe '1'
expect($votesBlock.hasClass('hidden')).toBe no
it 'should remove the emoji when we click again', ->
$votesBlock = $('.js-awards-block').eq 0
awardsHandler.addAwardToEmojiBar $votesBlock, 'heart', no
awardsHandler.addAwardToEmojiBar $votesBlock, 'heart', no
$emojiButton = $votesBlock.find '[data-emoji=heart]'
expect($emojiButton.length).toBe 0
it 'should decrement the emoji counter', ->
$votesBlock = $('.js-awards-block').eq 0
awardsHandler.addAwardToEmojiBar $votesBlock, 'heart', no
$emojiButton = $votesBlock.find '[data-emoji=heart]'
$'.js-counter').text 5
awardsHandler.addAwardToEmojiBar $votesBlock, 'heart', no
expect($emojiButton.length).toBe 1
expect($'.js-counter').text()).toBe '4'
describe '::getAwardUrl', ->
it 'should return the url for request', ->
expect(awardsHandler.getAwardUrl()).toBe '/gitlab-org/gitlab-test/issues/8/toggle_award_emoji'
describe '::addAward and ::checkMutuality', ->
it 'should handle :+1: and :-1: mutuality', ->
awardUrl = awardsHandler.getAwardUrl()
$votesBlock = $('.js-awards-block').eq 0
$thumbsUpEmoji = $votesBlock.find('[data-emoji=thumbsup]').parent()
$thumbsDownEmoji = $votesBlock.find('[data-emoji=thumbsdown]').parent()
awardsHandler.addAward $votesBlock, awardUrl, 'thumbsup', no
expect($thumbsUpEmoji.hasClass('active')).toBe yes
expect($thumbsDownEmoji.hasClass('active')).toBe no
awardsHandler.addAward $votesBlock, awardUrl, 'thumbsdown', yes
expect($thumbsUpEmoji.hasClass('active')).toBe no
expect($thumbsDownEmoji.hasClass('active')).toBe yes
describe '::removeEmoji', ->
it 'should remove emoji', ->
awardUrl = awardsHandler.getAwardUrl()
$votesBlock = $('.js-awards-block').eq 0
awardsHandler.addAward $votesBlock, awardUrl, 'fire', no
expect($votesBlock.find('[data-emoji=fire]').length).toBe 1
awardsHandler.removeEmoji $votesBlock.find('[data-emoji=fire]').closest('button')
expect($votesBlock.find('[data-emoji=fire]').length).toBe 0
describe 'search', ->
it 'should filter the emoji', ->
expect($('[data-emoji=angel]').is(':visible')).toBe yes
expect($('[data-emoji=anger]').is(':visible')).toBe yes
$('#emoji_search').val('ali').trigger 'keyup'
expect($('[data-emoji=angel]').is(':visible')).toBe no
expect($('[data-emoji=anger]').is(':visible')).toBe no
expect($('[data-emoji=alien]').is(':visible')).toBe yes
expect($('h5.emoji-search').is(':visible')).toBe yes
describe 'emoji menu', ->
selector = '[data-emoji=sunglasses]'
openEmojiMenuAndAddEmoji = ->
$menu = $ '.emoji-menu'
$block = $ '.js-awards-block'
$emoji = $menu.find ".emoji-menu-list-item #{selector}"
expect($emoji.length).toBe 1
expect($block.find(selector).length).toBe 0
expect($menu.hasClass('.is-visible')).toBe no
expect($block.find(selector).length).toBe 1
it 'should add selected emoji to awards block', ->
it 'should remove already selected emoji', ->
$block = $ '.js-awards-block'
$emoji = $('.emoji-menu').find ".emoji-menu-list-item #{selector}"
expect($block.find(selector).length).toBe 0
...@@ -14,17 +14,17 @@ describe 'Quick Submit behavior', -> ...@@ -14,17 +14,17 @@ describe 'Quick Submit behavior', ->
} }
it 'does not respond to other keyCodes', -> it 'does not respond to other keyCodes', ->
$('input').trigger(keydownEvent(keyCode: 32)) $('input.quick-submit-input').trigger(keydownEvent(keyCode: 32))
expect(@spies.submit).not.toHaveBeenTriggered() expect(@spies.submit).not.toHaveBeenTriggered()
it 'does not respond to Enter alone', -> it 'does not respond to Enter alone', ->
$('input').trigger(keydownEvent(ctrlKey: false, metaKey: false)) $('input.quick-submit-input').trigger(keydownEvent(ctrlKey: false, metaKey: false))
expect(@spies.submit).not.toHaveBeenTriggered() expect(@spies.submit).not.toHaveBeenTriggered()
it 'does not respond to repeated events', -> it 'does not respond to repeated events', ->
$('input').trigger(keydownEvent(repeat: true)) $('input.quick-submit-input').trigger(keydownEvent(repeat: true))
expect(@spies.submit).not.toHaveBeenTriggered() expect(@spies.submit).not.toHaveBeenTriggered()
...@@ -38,26 +38,26 @@ describe 'Quick Submit behavior', -> ...@@ -38,26 +38,26 @@ describe 'Quick Submit behavior', ->
# only run the tests that apply to the current platform # only run the tests that apply to the current platform
if navigator.userAgent.match(/Macintosh/) if navigator.userAgent.match(/Macintosh/)
it 'responds to Meta+Enter', -> it 'responds to Meta+Enter', ->
$('input').trigger(keydownEvent()) $('input.quick-submit-input').trigger(keydownEvent())
expect(@spies.submit).toHaveBeenTriggered() expect(@spies.submit).toHaveBeenTriggered()
it 'excludes other modifier keys', -> it 'excludes other modifier keys', ->
$('input').trigger(keydownEvent(altKey: true)) $('input.quick-submit-input').trigger(keydownEvent(altKey: true))
$('input').trigger(keydownEvent(ctrlKey: true)) $('input.quick-submit-input').trigger(keydownEvent(ctrlKey: true))
$('input').trigger(keydownEvent(shiftKey: true)) $('input.quick-submit-input').trigger(keydownEvent(shiftKey: true))
expect(@spies.submit).not.toHaveBeenTriggered() expect(@spies.submit).not.toHaveBeenTriggered()
else else
it 'responds to Ctrl+Enter', -> it 'responds to Ctrl+Enter', ->
$('input').trigger(keydownEvent()) $('input.quick-submit-input').trigger(keydownEvent())
expect(@spies.submit).toHaveBeenTriggered() expect(@spies.submit).toHaveBeenTriggered()
it 'excludes other modifier keys', -> it 'excludes other modifier keys', ->
$('input').trigger(keydownEvent(altKey: true)) $('input.quick-submit-input').trigger(keydownEvent(altKey: true))
$('input').trigger(keydownEvent(metaKey: true)) $('input.quick-submit-input').trigger(keydownEvent(metaKey: true))
$('input').trigger(keydownEvent(shiftKey: true)) $('input.quick-submit-input').trigger(keydownEvent(shiftKey: true))
expect(@spies.submit).not.toHaveBeenTriggered() expect(@spies.submit).not.toHaveBeenTriggered()
%h2.title Quibusdam sint officiis earum molestiae ipsa autem voluptatem nisi rem.
%p Qui exercitationem magnam optio quae fuga earum odio.
%textarea.hidden.js-task-list-field Qui exercitationem magnam optio quae fuga earum odio.
.awards.js-awards-block{"data-award-url" => "/gitlab-org/gitlab-test/issues/8/toggle_award_emoji"}
%button.award-control.btn.js-emoji-btn{"data-placement" => "bottom", "data-title" => "", :type => "button"}
.icon.emoji-icon.emoji-1F44D{"data-aliases" => "", "data-emoji" => "thumbsup", "data-unicode-name" => "1F44D", :title => "thumbsup"}
%span.award-control-text.js-counter 0
%button.award-control.btn.js-emoji-btn{"data-placement" => "bottom", "data-title" => "", :type => "button"}
.icon.emoji-icon.emoji-1F44E{"data-aliases" => "", "data-emoji" => "thumbsdown", "data-unicode-name" => "1F44E", :title => "thumbsdown"}
%span.award-control-text.js-counter 0
%button.btn.award-control.js-add-award{:type => "button"}
%span.award-control-text Add
%li#note_348.note.note-row-348.timeline-entry{"data-author-id" => "18", "data-editable" => ""}
%a{:href => "/u/agustin"}
%img.avatar.s40{:alt => "", :src => "#"}/
%a.author_link{:href => "/u/agustin"} Brenna Stokes
@agustin commented
%a{:href => "#note_348"}
%time 11 days ago
%span.note-role Reporter
%a.note-action-button.note-emoji-button.js-add-award.js-note-emoji{"data-position" => "right", :href => "#", :title => "Award Emoji"}
%p Suscipit sunt quia quisquam sed eveniet ipsam.
.awards.hidden.js-awards-block{"data-award-url" => "/gitlab-org/gitlab-test/notes/348/toggle_award_emoji"}
%button.btn.award-control.js-add-award{:type => "button"}
%span.award-control-text Add
%form.js-quick-submit{ action: '/foo' } %form.js-quick-submit{ action: '/foo' }
%input{ type: 'text' } %input{ type: 'text', class: 'quick-submit-input'}
%textarea %textarea
%input{ type: 'submit'} Submit %input{ type: 'submit'} Submit
#= require jquery-ui #= require jquery-ui/autocomplete
#= require new_branch_form #= require new_branch_form
describe 'Branch', -> describe 'Branch', ->
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