BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit c11ed138 by Bob Van Landuyt

Remove deprecated `repository_storage` attribute

In favor of the new `repository_storages`
parent ea1012cc
......@@ -315,7 +315,9 @@ class ApplicationSetting < ActiveRecord::Base
# repository_storage is still required in the API. Remove in 9.0
# Still used in API v3
def repository_storage
......@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ Example response:
"gravatar_enabled" : true,
"sign_in_text" : null,
"container_registry_token_expire_delay": 5,
"repository_storage": "default",
"repository_storages": ["default"],
"koding_enabled": false,
"koding_url": null,
......@@ -81,7 +80,6 @@ PUT /application/settings
| `after_sign_out_path` | string | no | Where to redirect users after logout |
| `container_registry_token_expire_delay` | integer | no | Container Registry token duration in minutes |
| `repository_storages` | array of strings | no | A list of names of enabled storage paths, taken from `gitlab.yml`. New projects will be created in one of these stores, chosen at random. |
| `repository_storage` | string | no | The first entry in `repository_storages`. Deprecated, but retained for compatibility reasons |
| `enabled_git_access_protocol` | string | no | Enabled protocols for Git access. Allowed values are: `ssh`, `http`, and `nil` to allow both protocols. |
| `koding_enabled` | boolean | no | Enable Koding integration. Default is `false`. |
| `koding_url` | string | yes (if `koding_enabled` is `true`) | The Koding instance URL for integration. |
......@@ -121,7 +119,7 @@ Example response:
"user_oauth_applications": true,
"after_sign_out_path": "",
"container_registry_token_expire_delay": 5,
"repository_storage": "default",
"repository_storages": ["default"],
"koding_enabled": false,
"koding_url": null,
"plantuml_enabled": false,
......@@ -20,59 +20,6 @@ module API
success Entities::ApplicationSetting
params do
# CE
at_least_one_of_ce = [
optional :default_branch_protection, type: Integer, values: [0, 1, 2], desc: 'Determine if developers can push to master'
optional :default_project_visibility, type: String, values: Gitlab::VisibilityLevel.string_values, desc: 'The default project visibility'
optional :default_snippet_visibility, type: String, values: Gitlab::VisibilityLevel.string_values, desc: 'The default snippet visibility'
......@@ -151,7 +98,7 @@ module API
given clientside_sentry_enabled: ->(val) { val } do
requires :clientside_sentry_dsn, type: String, desc: 'Clientside Sentry Data Source Name'
optional :repository_storage, type: String, desc: 'Storage paths for new projects'
optional :repository_storages, type: Array[String], desc: 'Storage paths for new projects'
optional :repository_checks_enabled, type: Boolean, desc: "GitLab will periodically run 'git fsck' in all project and wiki repositories to look for silent disk corruption issues."
optional :koding_enabled, type: Boolean, desc: 'Enable Koding'
given koding_enabled: ->(val) { val } do
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ describe API::Settings, 'Settings' do
expect(json_response).to be_an Hash
expect(json_response['default_projects_limit']).to eq(42)
expect(json_response['password_authentication_enabled']).to be_truthy
expect(json_response['repository_storage']).to eq('default')
expect(json_response['repository_storages']).to eq(['default'])
expect(json_response['koding_enabled']).to be_falsey
expect(json_response['koding_url']).to be_nil
expect(json_response['plantuml_enabled']).to be_falsey
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ describe API::Settings, 'Settings' do
put api("/application/settings", admin),
default_projects_limit: 3,
password_authentication_enabled: false,
repository_storage: 'custom',
repository_storages: ['custom'],
koding_enabled: true,
koding_url: '',
plantuml_enabled: true,
......@@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ describe API::Settings, 'Settings' do
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(json_response['default_projects_limit']).to eq(3)
expect(json_response['password_authentication_enabled']).to be_falsey
expect(json_response['repository_storage']).to eq('custom')
expect(json_response['repository_storages']).to eq(['custom'])
expect(json_response['koding_enabled']).to be_truthy
expect(json_response['koding_url']).to eq('')
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