BigW Consortium Gitlab

Commit c0c45c72 by Robert Speicher

Merge branch 'speed-up-api-projects-spec' into 'master'

Speed up specs for GET /projects/:id/events ## What does this MR do? Just groups some expectations into a single `it` block. Reduce this particular tests block time by half. See merge request !6778
parents d1eab555 4917bbd7
......@@ -588,37 +588,39 @@ describe API::API, api: true do
before do
note = create(:note_on_issue, note: 'What an awesome day!', project: project),
get api("/projects/#{}/events", user)
it { expect(response).to have_http_status(200) }
it 'returns all events' do
get api("/projects/#{}/events", user)
context 'joined event' do
let(:json_event) { json_response[1] }
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
it { expect(json_event['action_name']).to eq('joined') }
it { expect(json_event['project_id'].to_i).to eq( }
it { expect(json_event['author_username']).to eq(user3.username) }
it { expect(json_event['author']['name']).to eq( }
first_event = json_response.first
context 'comment event' do
let(:json_event) { json_response.first }
expect(first_event['action_name']).to eq('commented on')
expect(first_event['note']['body']).to eq('What an awesome day!')
it { expect(json_event['action_name']).to eq('commented on') }
it { expect(json_event['note']['body']).to eq('What an awesome day!') }
last_event = json_response.last
expect(last_event['action_name']).to eq('joined')
expect(last_event['project_id'].to_i).to eq(
expect(last_event['author_username']).to eq(user3.username)
expect(last_event['author']['name']).to eq(
it 'returns a 404 error if not found' do
get api('/projects/42/events', user)
expect(response).to have_http_status(404)
expect(json_response['message']).to eq('404 Project Not Found')
it 'returns a 404 error if user is not a member' do
other_user = create(:user)
get api("/projects/#{}/events", other_user)
expect(response).to have_http_status(404)
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